Everything related to the integration for Rhinoceros.
I have the same issue for now. I solve it by typing the maxwell commands in the command line.

I am using Rhino 7 mac and hope to switch to 8 wip soon. I think mw 5.2 will solve our issue.

I start to fall in love with maxwell again :D

For some reason, the Mac version of Rhino does not categorize the toolbars from the plugins in a different section.
The toolbars are called Rendering, Materials and Tools. In the next version, we are adding a command called Maxwell_ShowToolbars to show them all easily and we have renamed them to Maxwell Rendering, Maxwell Materials and Maxwell Tools, so they stand together in the list.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Great, that is good news.

Currently I cannot figure out how to activate Multilight (Sun and Sky). Sometimes it is activated automatically when I start the render, sometimes not. I have not found a way around to activate it manually yet.. I am using Rhino mac 7.3.2 and MW for Rhino
I found a workaround which works for now. I just start the render and when Maxwell Render opens I stop the render and put on multilight.

For another problem I did never find a solution. Maxwell Render (I can only speak for the mac version) continues to "forget" emitters. An example: I do a scene, put in some light sources (by assigning a maxwell materials and adding an emitter) and it works just fine. In the render view I can control all emitters seperatly just like I want it to be.

But after a few days, while continuing to work on the scene maxwell "forgets" the emitters and when I start the render I don't have them listed in the multilight control panel. And I don't understand why that happens (this has been a recurrent problem since maxwell 4 for Rhino mac 5). The only "fix" is deleting the emitting materials and assign new ones to the light sources (essentially redoing all the work).

I usually have all lights on a "lights" layer, and assign all emitting groups a material to be able to control them seperatly in multilight. Which at the beginning always works fine.

Am I doing something wrong or is "forgetting" materials and emitters a bug?
Hello Achim,

When using the plugin, I usually suggest opening the Rendering panel (where you can find the main settings of the plugin (including the Multilight dropdown in the General tab https://nextlimitsupport.atlassian.net/ ... n+settings), but also the Environment, Sun, Materials and Properties panels.

Regarding the problem with the emitters, it would be interesting to check a simple scene with your typical setup so I can try to reproduce the issue here.

Best wishes,
Hello Randy,

This page of the documentation explains most of it: https://nextlimitsupport.atlassian.net ... or+Rhino+5

The Maxwell materials now show in Rhino's Materials panel, the plugin has a Maxwell Extensions panel, you can create one or more Maxwell Environments in Rhino's Environment panel, as well as you can use Rhino's sun panel to control Maxwell's; the main settings of the plugin can be found in the Rendering panel if you set Maxwell as the current renderer. The Camera properties can be found in Rhino's Properties panel > Maxwell section when nothing is selected in the scene; if an object is selected, its properties will be shown instead.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
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