Everything related to Maxwell Render and General Stuff that doesn't fit in other categories
By MrC11111

I left 3dsmax for Blender a while ago ($2300 vs $0), and it was the best decision I made. There are regular updates with real improvements, inspired by the best out there from the competition. Moreover, a recent update now allows procedural modeling, "geometry nodes", exactly like Houdini reference in the matter. I predict a big loss of subscribers to Houdini and the opposite to Blender! Regarding the community, it is gigantic, if you have a question there will necessarily be a video tutorial on youtube, and if this is not the case you will have an answer in just a few minutes from several members via the forum.
In short, frankly good luck to the competitors they will not resist long.
I come to my question, in fact there is only one thing missing, a Maxwell plugin.
I stopped using Maxwell and I will not use it again, it is not very user friendly and updates are extremely rare. It's a shame because it's simply the best.
What are you going to do? Do you think you will soon do as I dream of a paid plugin for Blender?
Thanks for reading till the end ;)

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By Mark Bell
Allowing Maxwell to export to Blender via a plugin has been raised a number of times and I'm surprised NL hasn't adopted this given the large user base of Blender. Here's some links which may be of use in case you do opt to try Maxwell again....as you said it's the best :-)

https://blenderartists.org/t/maxwell-re ... 79?page=30
https://www.facebook.com/maxwellrender/ ... 973731282/
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