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By seghier
i want add label to a bottle but in studio the texture applied to face and back (mirrored) of the bottle
i asked maxwell team in facebook since months and they says that they will make tutorial how to add label but they didn't make it
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By tom
It's very easy. You need to leave your bottle geometry alone and offset a label geometry on it. Then, materialize both sides with label front and back. Just like in the real thing...
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By tom
Yes, the bottle has thickness. Just leave it alone. Make a separate label geometry which has no thickness.
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By Gokhan
I want to help you my friend;
I am C4D user and a few days ago I was rendered this image with Maxwell;


here is my setup about texturing, I hope to give you some ideas;



I hope I can help.
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By Gokhan
seghier wrote:Nice render
thank you for your help :)
you make geometry as label ? or use layer
what i need is label with two sideds one for the logo the second blanc like in reality
i see image like that in maxwell documetation and i try tips of Tom but i don't sucsses : i am sure somthing is missing
I was modelled bottle and split front face of bottle for label.
My label is layered TIFF image (transparent background)..also I was used same image for alpha channel.
Which application do you use for modelling ?



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By tom
seghier wrote:why you split the bottle ? you can use cylindrical uvset and add layer to the material to apply label
Because in real world, the label itself is an additional entity. It's not the part of glass body in physical terms. FWIW, you can still do it on glass geometry using the UV mapping and assign a combo material as you're attempting to but, this is going to be very complicated. Because for keeping the internal reflections correct, you should also place an additive mirror layer simulating the glass surface to the backface of your label. This is why I suggested the easiest and shortest way of doing it.
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By Gokhan
seghier wrote:thank you
why you split the bottle ? you can use cylindrical uvset and add layer to the material to apply label
i use rhino than modify texturing in maxwell studio
Yes like you said but I am beginner in Maxwell Render,I am still learning ;)
Very different from C4D material system...a bit confused now ...for me..
Thanks for the tip,I will try this ;)
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