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By Thomas An.
Hi all,

This is a cheat-sheet trying to summarize many physics concepts relating to light as it touches (and passes) a medium.

It is very brief, but still it contains formulas and equations (so please be warned that some physics understanding might be required).

Occasionally some references are made on how the Maxwell material editor values come into play.

PDF version: -->DOWNLOAD<--
Last edited by Thomas An. on Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By DrMerman
Cheers for the info there, Thomas. I'l be darned if I understand the lot of it, but what I do understand is great, plus theres that 'Beer' word top right. THats gotta be good, right? :D
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By michaelplogue
DrMerman wrote:plus theres that 'Beer' word top right. THats gotta be good, right? :D
There's also a little known equasion known as the Beer-Maxwell curve, which plots the users competence in using Maxwell, based on how much beer has been consumed. Of course this is much more difficult to compute, as the users's body weight and alcohol tolerance must be taken into account.

However, in general terms, most users competence gradually increases during the consumption of beer, until the MATL (Maxwell Alcohol Tolerance Level) is reached, at which point the compentence level drops rapidly. At this stage, the user becomes a blathering idiot, completely forgets to set the Nd for solids to above 3, and immediatly begins drooling all over himself. Incontenence usually follows (loss of bladder and bowel control), and psychiatric treatment must be administrated immediately, or permanent brain damage will be done.
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By Thomas An.
By sandykoufax
Thank you so much as always, Thomas.

Though I couldn't understand it totally because of my short physics knowledge, I have to look up and down carefully. :D

and Michael, your theory is so funny. :lol: :lol:
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By aitraaz
:shock: whoaah missed this one - such a helpful thread!!

Thanks to Thomas, I now understand how the Snell Law is affecting sss fresnel falloff in relation to surface normals!

And thanks to Michael, I now understand why I lost control of my bowels last night at 4 am while trying to render a Spectralon elephant!!

Lol!! Thanks!! :)
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By Xlars
Thomas An. wrote:Hi all,

This is a cheat-sheet trying to summarize many physics concepts relating to light as it touches (and passes) a medium.

It is very brief, but still it contains formulas and equations (so please be warned that some physics understanding might be required).

Occasionally some references are made on how the Maxwell material editor values come into play.
Wow, excellent summary .. I dont understand it all, but already helped me clarify some concepts. Thanks a lot.
By snalbandia
Fantastic, this is very helpfull!!

Thanks :D
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By w i l l
I love colourful pictures and comics.
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By dutch_designer
Very nice write-up Thomas! I hope these tech-background articles will be included in the manual? At least as an appendix?
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