Everything related to the integration for Cinema 4D.
By fv
I am getting frequent crashes when editing materials in C4D. Usually when editing colors. I often go to Studio to avoid crashes and edit materials quicker.
OSX 10.12.5 C4D R18 Maxwell plugin
iMac 5K 32Gb ram, GPU M395X

This crash was when I disable BSDF and/or Layers after a few times C4D crashes. Fire was disabled.
You can download the full bug report here:
https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/SqD47aU ... r6wqayaEVW

I get this message at the crash:
Cinema 4D: Application error
More information can be found in
'/Users/Verhoeven/Library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R18_50E4FAD5/_bugreports/_BugReport.txt'.

After clicking 'OK' unsaved scene files will be saved as '_bugreports/_recovery_xxx.c4d'
Thanks, this shows a crash somewhere in the render engine (FIRE may be disabled, but the material preview is another small FIRE window); unfortunately, there is not enough information to perform a diagnosis, so if you notice any more details that could help me to reproduce a similar crash here, I would appreciate hearing them.
I see that crashing occurs most often at editing materials that are converted C4D materials to Maxwell materials. Basicly, I can't edit a material that was converted.

Iow, using the material editor inside C4D for the Maxwell material crashes C4D. Using the other option to use Maxwell MXED works fine. I am using that now as a work around.

Hope this helps
Thanks, but I'm not seeing any crashes with converted materials, either. However, maybe it comes to a specific material setup; that is not unheard of, I recall in the past a problem where we could get a crash when using a specific value for anisotropy angle, along with some other specific thing (sss or such); it took a long time to find that, since if I didn't happen to use the specific combination, then I wouldn't observe the issue.

So, maybe if you save a copy of your file with everything removed but materials, confirm that the issue still occurs with this file, and then upload it, I can take a look and hopefully find the problem. There are also some options in the conversion dialog, so I'd need to know exactly which ones you are using, as well.
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