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Very strange - OBJ mesh from Rhino (Catia or Alias too) renders awful, but shades AND renders good in Rhino (Catia or Alias, too). Whence the fundamental difference? Is there anything one can do about this?

An STL export for 3D printing does not suffer from these problems, but has others : (

Recalculate does nothing. Neither for OBJs coming from Rhino, nor from other software.

What I find surprising is that 3D packages are able to shade smoothly, but not MR. After all, there's triangles "behind the scenes" in both cases. It seems, once in MR some UV or other information gets lost : (
Does it render ok if you just hit the render button from Rhino? Are you importing the OBJ into Studio, or just opening the exported MXS from Rhino? You should work with an exported MXS as that will contain the correct vertex weights to make something look smooth or flat. I'm guessing these vertex weights aren't imported when you import an OBJ in Studio.
We are using Studio, as the data comes from Alias, Catia, Rhino, so OBJ is the only option, since no "multi-software plug-in" exists.

In some cases, if one outputs an STL file, the problem goes away (why could that be?) but then some triangles appear very odd, where also the "Recalculate" button does not help.

Do you mean that, whatever the original software, OBJ loses essential information? Why do OBJs bought from betanj, designconnected or model + model render ok?

Anything else one can try that is straightforward?

i test a file :
export directly from rhino to studio : the object clean
export as object than import to studio : the object like in your photos
i export obj from studio and open it with wordpad ; and there is a difference in some points

object exported from studio:
vertices: v >> 3 values
vertex normals : vn >>3 values
textures coordinates : vt >> 2 values
faces : f >> 3 lines ( every line 3 values)

object exported from rhino:
vertices: v >> 3 values
vertex normals : vn >>3 values
textures coordinates : vt >> 2 values
faces : f >> 3 lines and 4 lines ( difference)
i open the two objects in blender and the one exported from rhino as obj have duplicated vertices
from blender i export to studio and maxwell plugin remove all dupliacte vertices
maxwell plugin export a clean surfaces and merged vertices ; i tried to export with welded vertex but the surface is not smooth
Thanks, seghier, that sounds interesting, going "under the hood".

Here's a comparison again, between OBJ and STL output. That's not good at all, can't be just "photoshopped out". Trouble is that Studio is sold with OBJ import capability for software for which there is no plug-in. Like shown here, it is not usable.

Imported - no material assigned. Nothing strange to be seen

Shiny real scale material assigned - mesh not smooth, jaggy triangles, coordinate jumps.

Closeup of STL and OBJ - each shows (different) issues

Alias OBJ anatomy:

v 0.02699572 -4.605813e-014 0.02136904
v 0.0170726 4.784725e-013 0.02309592
v 0.007113768 -1.875122e-013 0.02449689
v ...
vn 0.1874676 3.185799e-006 0.9822708
vn 0.1553852 1.455842e-006 0.9878539
vn 0.1231873 5.030049e-007 0.9923834
vn ...
vt 0.06722516 0
vt 0.4232833 0
vt 0.7793415 0
s 1
f 20/20/20 8/8/8 9/9/9
f 6/6/6 8/8/8 20/20/20
f 19/19/19 20/20/20 10/10/10
f ...
s off

Rhino OBJ anatomy:

v 7.113768577575684 17.32191848754883 17.32191848754883
v 7.126458168029785 17.51559066772461 17.12377166748047
v 7.164247035980225 17.70268249511719 16.92346382141113
vt 0 0
vt 0 0.125
vt 0 0.25
vt ...
vn 0.1874676048755646 0.6945680975914002 0.6945725679397583
vn 0.1794598549604416 0.6956261992454529 0.6956280469894409
vn 0.1714430749416351 0.6966375708580017 0.6966372132301331
vn ...
f 60/11/11 59/3/3 86/2/2 87/10/10
f 51/12/12 50/4/4 59/3/3 60/11/11
f 41/13/13 40/5/5 50/4/4 51/12/12
f ...

However, despite the differences, both don't render properly in Studio; both show the same errors.

From Wikipedia (where it also says "Vertices are stored in a counter-clockwise order by default, making explicit declaration of face normals unnecessary.")

# List of geometric vertices, with (x,y,z[,w]) coordinates, w is optional and defaults to 1.0.
v 0.123 0.234 0.345 1.0
v ...
# List of texture coordinates, in (u, v [,w]) coordinates, these will vary between 0 and 1, w is optional and defaults to 0.
vt 0.500 1 [0]
vt ...
# List of vertex normals in (x,y,z) form; normals might not be unit vectors.
vn 0.707 0.000 0.707
vn ...
# Parameter space vertices in ( u [,v] [,w] ) form; free form geometry statement ( see below )
vp 0.310000 3.210000 2.100000
vp ...
# Polygonal face element (see below)
f 1 2 3
f 3/1 4/2 5/3
f 6/4/1 3/5/3 7/6/5
f 7//1 8//2 9//3
f ...
The STL shows the problem with vertex normals, and you can't fix it by hitting Recalculate because that will give the same smoothing value for all vertices and so you might end up loosing sharpness in a few places which are ment to remain sharp. I'm not sure if the OBJ in your example shows the same issues, does it also appear if you remove any bump normal map in this case?

I would try to avoid a workflow where you import CAD objects via OBJ into Studio. What if you instead import the OBJ into Rhino, and export an MXS? Or if possible try an FBX or Collada workflow. Surely Alias exports FBX?
lebulb wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:27 pm
Merge the vertex before smoothing.
Thanks, but in Alias, Catia, NX or Creo, there is no such thing as "merging vertex before smoothing". You can see from my recent post that Keyshot has no qualms rendering OBJ files from industrial design software with or without bumpmaps applied.
in rhino use convert the polysurface to mesh than mesh edit tools >> weld
more polygons give better result
1 : polysurface exported from rhino as obj
2 : mesh converted from polysurface inside rhino
3 : the same as '2' with weld applied
4 : the same as '2' with more polygons
5 : the same as '4' with weld applied
in studio there is something i don't understand it :
import the objects >> the problem appear
import again in the same scene >> the problem gone ! (see the video)

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seghier wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:05 pm
in studio there is something i don't understand it :
import the objects >> the problem appear
import again in the same scene >> the problem gone ! (see the video)
Thanks, so, wait - you say you imported the OBJ = bad result. Then you saved the MXS. Then you opened the MXS again = good result? Now that is truly bizarre. If that works, at least that's a better workaround than buying tons of Rhino plugin-licenses and have all users learning some Rhino.
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