Everything related to Maxwell Render and general stuff that doesn't fit in other categories.

latest release:

release date: 8.6.2017

download link
http://www.maxwellrender.com/betas/ - 8.6.2017
Maxwell GPU
- Improvement: The GPU engine can tile the render to use less memory footprint. Now if a scene cannot be rendered because id does not fit the GPU memory
the GPU engine automatically tiles the render (partition into smaller regions called tiles) to use less memory and try to do the render.
- Fixed: Layer opacity with 2 layers and no maps.
- Fixed: Usage of thread mapping feature in the GPU engine was not properly done. It could potentially make some artifacts appear in long-time renders of
scenes (high sampling levels).
- Fixed: Lighting could be wrong in some scenes with just IBL or IBL+Emitters in the GPU engine.

Maxwell Render
- New: added Denoiser feature in Render Options Panel
- New: added new MERL TableBrdf material.
- New: added new X-Rite AxF material that gives compatibility to their files.
- Changed: modified render progress and render info toolbars to adapt to new denoiser render routine
- Fixed: Maxwell may crash if camera response is changed while rendering.
- Fixed: reflectance and uv channels could be wrong if shadow channel was enabled
- Feature: negative threads can be selected. This have the meaning of number of logical processors on the machine minus selected number of threads.

Maxwell Network
- New: added Denoiser capabilities to the network system.
- New: added Denoiser checkbox in Monitor.
- Fixed: Maxwell node in nogui mode crash on Windows.
- Feature: Engine can be selected on wizard.

Maxwell Studio
- New: added Denoiser feature in Render Options > Scene tab.
- New: added new Lights Panel
- New: added new illumination assets in Library Panel.
- Changed: now Studio installs in the same folder as Maxwell Render in a effort to limit Maxwell installations to one and not duplicate them per product as before.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


VERSION 4.0 - 20.2.2017
- Fixed bad MXI file saved when engine is GPU and normals channel is enabled. MXI backward compatibility broken due file format change. Older maxwell render are not able to open MXI files.

- CPU render engine performance improved about 10%. Now Maxwell 4 and Maxwell 3 has the same performance. - 9.2.2017
- Linux supported.
- OSX supported.
- Improved emitter sampling and triangle artifact solved.
- Fixed crash with emitters and instances with motion blur.
- Fixed Stack overflow on high-depth voxelizations.
- Fixed clipmaps issues.
- Improved BVH copy to GPU.
- Fixed memory crash with disabled BSDFs.
- Fixed crash when a coating is on a non active BSDF or when having a material with mixed active and non active BSDFs.
- Fixed Z channel through clipmaps. Normals channel has bad values in areas with no geometry.
- Fixed crash using default material in nogui mode.
- Fixed crash in scenes with no emitters (i.e. sky dome).

- Fixed MXI batch processing is exporting channels when user unchecks the option to export them (in some cases).
- Fixed RGB numeric values displayed under mouse pointer (bottom status bar) have not gamma applied for bit-depth 8 and 16.
- Fixed switching from GPU engine, channels does not work on RS1.
- Software opengl DLL added to Windows installers. needed in some cases for old GPUs or remote desktops to show viewport.
- Fixed HDR sky changed to physical sky if using ortho lens, and emitters not reflecting on other objects.

- Fixed Load of asset referencess for OSX

- Fixed layer transparency values updated wrong in interactive mode (GPU).
- In scenes in which the paths need a high number of bounces now it can be solved withouth affecting performance (GPU). - 16.12.2016
- Fixed bug in indirect lighting
- Fixed problem rendering some dielectric materials
- Fixed rendering artifacts that could show up depending on material settings.
- Fixed issues with opacity in materials with layers with more than one bsdf.
- Fixed issue with emitters hidden to camera
- Fixed tiling parameters were not working for global bump
- Fixed issues with clipmaps
- Fixed some stability issues
- Fixed command line help does not show all the render engine options.
- [OSX] Fixed assets loading - 25.11.2016
- Render booleans implemented
- Fixed general stability issues
- Fixed specular materials were too noisy in some scenarios.
- Fixed wrong look of materials with more than 2 BSDFs in some scenarios
- Fixed wrong look of materials with textured opacity layers
- Fixed bug in materials with transmittance that could make them to look wrong
- Fixed issues with object opacity
- Fixed anisotropy and angle when using maps
- Fixed some issues with ghost materials
- Fixed some issues with clipmaps
- Fixed some general shading artifacts
- Error handling improved
- Fixed texture interpolation was not working properly in some cases
- Fixed potential crash reading old MXI files with embeded channels
- Support for unicode (non ascii) characters improved
- Fixed potential crash rendering scenes with disabled BSDFs
- Fixed roughness channel
- Fixed issues rendering instances of hidden objects

- Color multilight uses less memory now.
- Fixed IES emitters were too dark when multilight was enabled.
- Fixed maxwell.exe was unable to start GUI without NVIDIA driver installed in windows.
- Token %multilight% added to output filename tokens available.

- Fixed issues with transference of MXIs from nodes to manager
- Fixed issue sending preview images

- Fixed GUI issues
- Fixed scaling in all axis
- Fixed issue downloading zipped materials from the gallery
- Now it is possible to create persistent MXS files when launching Maxwell from Studio
- Interactive engine preference added - 2.11.2016
- Fixed general stability issues
- Fixed issues assigning/editing emitters in interactive mode
- Fixed stability issues dropping materials over objects in interactive mode
- Fixed potential issue when (yet) unsupported channels were enabled
- Fixed artifacts that could show up when using normal mapping or bump
- Normals channel now shows normal mapping/bump
- Fixed incorrect calculations when using two BSDFs in some scenarios
- Fixed incorrect rotations in Maxwell Mesher

- Fixed issues with rendering priority
- Fixed regression bug that was causing issues reading some MXI files

- Material gallery browser improved
- Fix loading of layouts with high resolutions
- Fixed some small GUI issues

- Fixed issues with some installers missing components
- Fixed pymaxwell issues in OSX - 18.10.2016
- Fixed issues with axis transformation in interactive mode
- Fixed some issues with glossie materials
- Fixed potential memory corruption with HDRI textures
- Added some speed improvements
- Fixed assign o object an emitter material existing on scene switched off all emitters.
- Fixed dropping difuse material on a emitter object in a scene with 2 emitters crashed.
- Fixed anisotropy in dielectrics.
- Fixed some issues re-rendering after changing the engine type

- Fixed regression performance issues
- Fixed motion blur bug in Production CPU mode

- Stability when using FIRE GPU improved
- Fixes in the new material gallery browser
- Fixed loading of layouts with high resolutions

- Fixed issues in OSX and Linux installers - 11.10.2016
First official version of Maxwell Render 4

VERSION 3.2 - 13.7.2016
- Maxwell Render. Base color for tiled textures is not working properly in some cases.
- Maxwell Render. Color Multilight breaks antialiasing when color multilight and not color multilight compatible emitters coexists.
- Maxwell Render. Improvements in MXI file size. Solved issue with MXI file size in MXI size improved even compared with previous versions.
- Maxwell Render. Network render button issues in OSX.
- Maxwell Render. Timecode in image files (EXR) has out-of-range issues.
- Maxwell Render. Memory consumption info printed in console during preprocess and voxelization stages.
- Maxwell Render. Maxwell closes safely saving the image after getting a sigterm message when -nogui is active.
- Maxwell Render. Extra sampling and render region have problems when both are enabled.
- Maxwell Render. Reading MXI header fails.
- pymaxwell. CmaxwellMaterial.setPreview() and Cmaxwell.setPreview() does not accept numpy images. - 6.5.2016
- Maxwell Render. Fixed instances inside of references crashes after bugfix "Fix bug userdefineds not getting projectors when referenced."
- Maxwell Render. Additional logging messages when closing maxwell.exe
- Pymaxwell. Help updated for CmaxwellMxi.getLightType(...)
- Mximerge. Fixed critical regression bug merging files.
- Studio. Fixed bugfix introduced in where a material drag'n'dropped to a group is incorrectly applied to group siblings. - 26.4.2016
- Studio. Adding objects with children to a custom alpha channel doesn't adds the first children. Plus, "group" objects are added to the channel too, with no effect on the channel result.
- Studio. Error getting diffuse color of fbx material.
- Studio. When IES file is present but emitter lobe is not IES, the IES lobe is not drawn.
- Maxwell Render. Userdefineds and instances not getting projectors when referenced.
- Maxwell Render. Artifacts with color ML.
- Maxwell Render. Check material layer weight/opacity for bitmap and throw error if not enough uv channels.
- Maxwell Render. Bug loading standard projectors applied to Userdefineds.
- Maxwell Render. Caustic flags were not working properly in Draft mode.
- Maxwell Render. Hostid shows up in license info window.
- Maxwell Render. Memory leak dealing with PNG files.
- Maxwell Render. Regular pretessellated displacement was ignoring negative values (vector displacement was working fine).
- Maxwell Render. Check against out of range multilight command line parameter.
- Network. Always connect to manager text field now admits either IP address or hostname.
- Network. XML messages sent through sockets corrupted due non ascii characters.
- Network. Invalid size sent through sockets that could corrupt xml messages.
- Network. Now it is possible to select several jobs at once to change its priority in one step.
- MaxwellProcedurals Extension. Bugfix with randoms in procedurals.
- Pymaxwell Editor. Editor is not able to write the "]" character since
- Onshape. License bugs. - 2.2.2016
- Multilight editor: left/right arrows now move through the multiligth timeline
- Studio: fixed issue with Onshape licenses
- Studio: fixed potential crash in the collada/fbx loader when reimporting geometry
- Material Editor: Added Shift+Left / Shift+Right shortcuts to switch material previews and Shift+S to save them
- Fixed error with 360 degree asymmetric IES files
- Fixed pymaxwell.app was using a wrong pymaxwell package
- Fixed some small GUI issues - 21.1.2016
- Fixes intensity issues with some IES files
- Many improvements in the Pymaxwell editor
- Fixed potential crash rendering scenes without camera
- Multilight "reset" option now works also with Iso and Shutter and in multiselection mode.
- Studio: Fixed potential crash importing instances in hierarchies with the same name than existent cones
- Fixed crash running 32 bits applications - 17.12.2015
- Improvements in voxelization performance
- Fixed more details in the Onshape connection
- Default value for parallax distance in Lat-Long Stereo lens changed from 3600 to 360
- pymaxwell editor improved to ident/unident blocks of text. Dropping files fixed
- Studio: fixed some procedural textures were displayed in the GUI when they should not
- Fix bug when opening single "Y" channel EXR files.
- Brick procedural texture: fixed random problems with missing paths. Fixed using procedural textures inside map parameters of brick procedural - 3.12.2015
- Fixed performance issues during voxelization (update your plugin when available)
- Fixed potential crash with motion blur in objects with children
- Improvements in floating shadows in FIRE
- Pymaxwell editor improved
- Fixed some GUI issues
- Studio: Fixed when exporting MXMs material names were cropped if they contained dots
- HDR Light Studio: Fixed problems loading problems under certain scenarios
- Network: Better detection of IP address or hostname of the manager to connect to. - 10.11.2015
- Fixed several bugs with stereo lenses
- Fixed some Mac GUI issues
- Fixed extensions presets were not loading some map parameters correctly.
- Fixed scene_dependencies.ms script was obsolete.
- Fixed bugs with HDR Light Studio connection
- Improvements in the Onshape connection
- OpenVDB updated to v3.0 - 27.10.2015
- Maxwell Render. Fixed some threading issues that could be affecting stability
- Maxwell Render. Fixed some details in hair material assistant
- Onshape connection: fixed bugs in several areas
- Studio. Fixed procedural textures were not working with new stereo lenses
- Studio. Fixed some gui issues and default values in lens extensions (StereoFish and Lat-Long Stereo)
- Studio. Fixed HDR Light Studio v4 was not loading correctly
- Network. Fixed issues with batch renders when Monitor and Manager where running Windows and nodes were running Linux
- Network. Fixed preview jobs was not working RC1 - 29.9.2015
- Maxwell Render. Save Image dialog improved
- Some minor bugs fixed
- Fixed extrasampling bitmap path in animations does add frame padding only when that frame exist - 23.9.2015
- Maxwell Render. Fixed regression bug in MaxwellGrass that could affect the grow direction.
- Maxwell Render. Improvements in interactive (FIRE) voxelization performance
- Maxwell Render. Fix potential crash saving big MXS/MXI files
- Maxwell Render. Fixed potential artifacts and holes appearing in pretessellated displacement with flat subdivision
- Maxwell Render.Fixed regresssion bug that was changing direct/indirect/caustics flags affecting the look.
- Improvements in pymaxwell stability
- Studio.Improvements loading objects with incorrect rotations - 10.9.2015
- Maxwell Render. Fixed bug in nested dielectrics that could generate rendering artifacts
- Maxwell Render. Volumetrics: fixed bug with transparencies
- Maxwell Render. Volumetrics: density scale was not working properly
- Maxwell Render. Improvement: "remove overlapped" instances in maxwell scatter now removes less instances that are not really overlapping.
- Maxwell Render. Fixed bug when layers had different bit depth than the main image
- Maxwell Render. Lat-Long and Stereo Fish lens: Fixed a few issues. Parallax max value has been changed from 360 to 100000. Lens separation units is in centimeters for both lenses now.
- Maxwell Render. Performance of ortho lenses with spot lights improved
- Maxwell Render. Fixed aliasing issues with color multilight and some emitter types
- Maxwell Sea: Fixed tiling artifacts
- Fixed potential issue rendering hair with textures
- Changed max value of temperature emitters from 1E4 to 1E5
- Linux: if MAXWELL_HONOR_UMASK env variable is set to 1, then do not change the permissions of the written mxs and mxm files as created with the user umask.
- Pymaxwell: fixed crash getting null mxparamlist objects.
- Maxwell Studio.Added shortcuts to open all the panels (Alt + 1, Alt + 2, etc)
- Maxwell Studio.Cleaning of some obsolete parameters in the preferencies dialog
- Maxwell Studio.Fixed issues recalculating/reversing normals when FIRE was running
- Maxwell Studio.Fixed some minor gui issues - 26.8.2015
First public beta of Maxwell 3.2. More details in our blog and forum.

VERSION 3.1 - 27.3.2015
- Improvements in preprocess and voxelization time
- Fixed potential crash with blocked emitters
- Fixed blocked emitters were not working with references
- Fixed objects could disappear or show invalid transformations in FIRE in some extreme scenarios - 3.3.2015
- Support for hair with tip radius greater than root radius
- Fixed crash deleting instances with excluded lights
- Change in multilight sliders range for IBL
- Fixed SSS brightness in some cases, with IBL
- Better support for TP Network
- Path token %mwchannel% works better now
- Hair material dependencies issues fixed
- Better support for blade normals in Grass primitives
- Improved support for IES and EULUMDAT files with lines longer than 256 characters

- Fixed GUI issue when having MXM references (the Item shown in the stack properties and the Item selected could get out of sync)
- Fixed GUI issue that allowed to set IES/Spot emitters with Temperature
- Animation tool forced longitude/latidude sun position. Fixed
- Animation tool forced jpg image output. Fixed

- Fixed crash after running getObjectNames(), scene corruption
- Useless parameter for getNumCustomAlphaChannels() removed
- Fixed crash on getPath() when path is empty

- If you are using TP Network, download last version from its own early builds section (http://www.maxwellrender.com/betas/plugin/23). - 20.1.2015
- Public release RC1
Last edited by T0M0 on Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:11 pm, edited 33 times in total.
User avatar
By T0M0
new early build was released 21.1.2016

- Fixes intensity issues with some IES files
- Many improvements in the Pymaxwell editor
- Fixed potential crash rendering scenes without camera
- Multilight "reset" option now works also with Iso and Shutter and in multiselection mode.
- Studio: Fixed potential crash importing instances in hierarchies with the same name than existent cones
- Fixed crash running 32 bits applications
User avatar
By T0M0
new early build was released 2.2.2016

- Multilight editor: left/right arrows now move through the multiligth timeline
- Studio: fixed issue with Onshape licenses
- Studio: fixed potential crash in the collada/fbx loader when reimporting geometry
- Material Editor: Added Shift+Left / Shift+Right shortcuts to switch material previews and Shift+S to save them [very nice !]
- Fixed error with 360º asymmetric IES files
- Fixed pymaxwell.app was using a wrong pymaxwell package
- Fixed some small GUI issues
User avatar
By T0M0
new early build was released 6.5.2016

- Maxwell. Fixed instances inside of references crashes after bugfix "Fix bug userdefineds not getting projectors when referenced."
- Maxwell. Additional logging messages when closing maxwell.exe
- Pymaxwell. Help updated for CmaxwellMxi.getLightType(...)
- Mximerge. Fixed critical regression bug merging files.
- Studio. Fixed bugfix introduced in where a material drag'n'dropped to a group is incorrectly applied to group siblings.
User avatar
By T0M0
new early build was released 13.7.2016

- Maxwell Render. Base color for tiled textures is not working properly in some cases.
- Maxwell Render. Color Multilight breaks antialiasing when color multilight and not color multilight compatible emitters coexists.
- Maxwell Render. Improvements in MXI file size. Solved issue with MXI file size in MXI size improved even compared with previous versions.
- Maxwell Render. Network render button issues in OSX.
- Maxwell Render. Timecode in image files (EXR) has out-of-range issues.
- Maxwell Render. Memory consumption info printed in console during preprocess and voxelization stages.
- Maxwell Render. Maxwell closes safely saving the image after getting a sigterm message when -nogui is active.
- Maxwell Render. Extra sampling and render region have problems when both are enabled.
- Maxwell Render. Reading MXI header fails.
- pymaxwell. CmaxwellMaterial.setPreview() and Cmaxwell.setPreview() does not accept numpy images.

i got the programs running, not the best and greatest way but if you have work to do, then this will have to do so you can work on macOS Sierra

get in touch with me if you want to know how

both maxwell and studio app on version crashes on iMac with masOS Sierra version 10.12 beta 16a254g upon launch.

will download the older versions to reinstall again

not my old version won't start either

says it missing

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../../libmx_common.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/Maxwell.app/Contents/MacOS/Maxwell
Reason: image not found

anyone can help me restart my programs ?

if i start them from the modo plugin, then they will start, sometimes studio crashes, but if i retry it will launch.
User avatar
By T0M0
Ok, so it looks like MR Team is back with early builds 8)

new early build was released 2.11.2016

- Fixed general stability issues
- Fixed issues assigning/editing emitters in interactive mode
- Fixed stability issues dropping materials over objects in interactive mode
- Fixed potential issue when (yet) unsupported channels were enabled
- Fixed artifacts that could show up when using normal mapping or bump
- Normals channel now shows normal mapping/bump
- Fixed incorrect calculations when using two BSDFs in some scenarios
- Fixed incorrect rotations in Maxwell Mesher

- Fixed issues with rendering priority
- Fixed regression bug that was causing issues reading some MXI files

- Material gallery browser improved
- Fix loading of layouts with high resolutions
- Fixed some small GUI issues

- Fixed issues with some installers missing components
- Fixed pymaxwell issues in OSX
new early build was released 16.12.2016

- Fixed bug in indirect lighting
- Fixed problem rendering some dielectric materials
- Fixed rendering artifacts that could show up depending on material settings.
- Fixed issues with opacity in materials with layers with more than one bsdf.
- Fixed issue with emitters hidden to camera
- Fixed tiling parameters were not working for global bump
- Fixed issues with clipmaps
- Fixed some stability issues
- Fixed command line help does not show all the render engine options.
- [OSX] Fixed assets loading
the render does not start

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