Everything related to Maxwell Render and general stuff that doesn't fit in other categories.
By leoA4D
Next Limit has a replacement mxcl fix for Mac G4 users. Miguel Talens (NL) noted late yesterday evening that he would post the fix. Before he posts this fix, however, I'm sure he'll repair its permissions because the fix, as is, doesn't work.

If you received the fix and it doesn't work on a G4 and you are able to change the permissions, I have posted the Alpha 1.033 permissions from Miguel in this forum under the thread "Help with accessing the Maxwell directory".

Thanks to Bonsak for helping me with changing the permissions. I could not have done it with out that help!

By leoA4D
This is what Miques said in his 22.04.05 email:
"here's the file to replace:

I'll upload to the web site a package specially compiled for G4's.

Sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

M. "

Perhaps the upload has been stymied by new issues or maybe it will be coupled with the C4D plugin. lol
By leoA4D
If I'm not breaking any rules, someone please shout if it is a violation, I'll email it to you. Tell me what to do.
By leoA4D
Hey jackb602,

I don't think they'd mind, either. I would forward Miguel's email and attachment in its entirety.

If you want to wait, request the "mxcl" file from Miguel Talens <bubinga@nextlimit.com>. Hopefully, they have fixed the permissions problem with that file. If not, I posted (#5) Miguel's email permissions remedy under the thread "Help with accessing the Maxwell directory". Also, Bonsak (thanks!) posted the BatChmod site, <http://macchampion.com/arbysoft/>, to help with changing the permissions. It was a breeze. BTW, no comments for posting the permissions email.


By leoA4D
Jackb602, yes, change the permissions on the new mcxl. Let me know if it works for you.
By leoA4D
jackb602, bravo!

By Matthew Schrock

Are you attempting to start Maxwell by double-clicking the application icon or a .mxs file icon?

If you are clicking on the .mxs file icon and it still doesn't start, try checking your environment variable.

the render does not start

Also open the Console and read through it to see i[…]

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