By mtripoli
I'm curious: how many users here have gone on to 2008/2009? I myself an still running 2007 SP.3 and frankly don't see any reason to change, especially in light of what I've read about it. I did in fact try 2008 for a couple of weeks and wasn't all that impressed... 2009 looks like "Vista" to me; though functional, I don't need glassy icons or magnifying glasses...
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By Eric Lagman
Im on 2008 SP 3.1 It runs fine. Not too many crashes. Stay away from 2008 64bit though. I had a lot of problems and had to end up running the 32bit version on a XP64 system.

Havent tried 2009 yet, but they are claiming speed increases in the software. I may give it a spin when things die down a bit. I read in the whats new that freeform surfaces now work for surfaces that have more than 4 sides.
By purCAB
We are currently running SW2008-SP4.1 (XP32) and have been beta testing SW2009. We transitioned quite late from SW2007 to SW2008, there was a bit of a paradigm shift from '07 to '08 and there was little motivation to move early. However having said that, I think that we will transition to 2009 quite early (maybe even SP0!). The '09 interface is very similar to '08 and I think that some of the issues that made '08 quirky have been smoothed out in '09 (magnifying glass aside). SW2009 PR-2 has been fairly steady and we have not had any problems "importing" '08 parts/assemblies. The consolidation of color and texture features into a single appearance feature combined with the elimination of the bifurcation between RealView / non-RealView modes appears worthwhile. Other minor items that seem worthwhile to us are the use of zero and negative dimensions (although these do not carry into equations, which limits this "functionality") and a separate slot feature. We thought that the "Rough Draft" appearance (where a part is, more or less, rendered with a "hand drawn look"), might also be of interest. Unfortunately, our very brief testing with this has been disappointing.

By jjs
Eric Lagman wrote: I had a lot of problems and had to end up running the 32bit version on a XP64 system.
ERIC - I'm on the sw2008 sp0.00 64 bit version on xp64. I had problems to start with where the interface was very slow and hanging up - selecting new files etc. But this was some sort of conflict in the .NET that gets loaded whenever I seem to load on software and the update Winx64.

I reloaded from scratch the OS and SW, but turned off the WIN xp64 automatic update and its been fine - rock solid. hence sp0.0 and xp64 as it was on 7th Nov 2007 when I bought my machine from Dell.

Mike - the sw2008 takes time getting used to - and I'm not sure if its really an improvement - I've given up caring really, as long as it doesn't crash. :D - however I thing the right click menus are very useful now.

I imagine the only reason to upgrade now is if it makes JD's life easier in getting the best functions into the Maxwll plugin .

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By yolk
i'm on swx 2009 0.0 vista64..not very stable. i check their site every day for a new service pack. :(
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By w i l l
Eric Lagman wrote:Im on 2008 SP 3.1 It runs fine. Not too many crashes. Stay away from 2008 64bit though. I had a lot of problems and had to end up running the 32bit version on a XP64 system.

Havent tried 2009 yet, but they are claiming speed increases in the software. I may give it a spin when things die down a bit. I read in the whats new that freeform surfaces now work for surfaces that have more than 4 sides.
What about less than 4 sides?
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