By JDHill
It looks like the second mirror server still shows the old version, but the first server (at the 'Go to Download Mirrors (4 SERVERS)' link) shows the new version. It could be that the second server is showing a cached page.
By nicole

Yes, one of the mirrors is not working correctly due to an ftp issue. we are fixing it, but in the meantime that mirror is temporarily disabled. So please use the other mirror, or simply the link in the email we sent to clients.

Sorry for the trouble!


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By John Layne
Didn't get that email, glad I popped in here to see what's happening.

Any reason why I didn't get the email?
By JDHill
Sorry I can't answer that question, but didn't the old plugin pop up a window telling you there was an update available? If there's an internet connection, it should be checking for updates automatically. Although, there's a user-preference in Plugin Options to turn it off, maybe that's the case?

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By John Layne
Might be my firewall, ---

Thanks for the quick response :)

Just going through the new plugin, WOW!!! nice work.

I haven't had much time to render lately all the work I'm currently doing doesn't require any rendering, all mechanical design stuff. And I'm busy implementing PDMWorks Enterprise for my main client, whilst trying to meet other design deadlines.

However after glancing at this new plugin, I'm inspired to sneak in a few hours rendering somewhere!!!

Is there anywhere on the cameral LCD to restore default settings? I just played with the film size and don't know what the standard settings are.

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D

Still on SolidWorks 2007 SP5.0 for the foreseeable future, might even skip 2008 and go to 2009 SP4
By JDHill
The 'default' settings are a bit elusive, since SW doesn't really know about film. What the plugin is doing is:

- if the viewport is wider than it is tall, the film is Nmm x 24mm (w x h)
- if the viewport is taller than it is wide, the film is 31mm x Nmm (w x h)

At the moment, I don't really even recall how I figured that out, but it makes for a perspective match. The quick way to get back to the starting point is to go into Camera Settings and just switch it back to 'Viewport' Resolution Mode - then the plugin will figure out what the film should be. Scene Manager > Camera Settings is still the real 'home' for the Camera - the LCD is just more of a convenience/shortcut.
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