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By Eric Lagman
Anyone know if there is a way to use the same texture on different faces, but have it have different tiling values for each face. This is done in studio with uv projectors and channels. I see the channels tab in sw, but how can I make faces bodies etc use different channels for tiling the texture. Am I going to have to copy the material and give it a different name and tile value to make this work inside the SW plugin?
By JDHill
I see the channels tab in sw
Hmm...where are you seeing this? Are you sure you're not thinking about something added by PhotoWorks?
Am I going to have to copy the material and give it a different name and tile value to make this work inside the SW plugin?
Yep. As far as the plugin knows, there simply is, or is not, a texture applied to any given entity - there's no specific channel information available.
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By Eric Lagman
Hmm...where are you seeing this? Are you sure you're not thinking about something added by PhotoWorks?
Its in the plugin texture window when you right click on the mat editior texture box. It has tiling offset and channel.
By JDHill
Oh, I thought you meant there was some channels tab in SW that I wasn't seeing. The Channel and Offset inputs are still in Texture Editor, because they do exist in Maxwell - but there is no way to have them affect the SW viewport. You can put as many channels as you want in a Material, but you won't be able to export anything different for them - they'll all get the same UVs as Channel 0.
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