By adamwade
Anyone out there tried running SOlidworks on a Mac with Bootcamp and Windows XP?

I am wondering what the limitations with the video cards might be. I am considering getting the new MacPro with quad Xeons, but am concerned with the video card and solidworks. Yes, I could get the $1600 nVidia card option, but that's way out of my budget.

Any experiences out there?
By adamwade

I thought Bootcamp was just a way to start up in Windows or OSX, then once you are in Windows, everything is pure PC without any concern for Mac drivers.

I have not tried this yet, so i don't know. I was given the OK to order what ever I want within our budget and I don't think I can handle waiting much more, so I will probably get the Dell.


See if anyone else has a Bootcamp story..
By adamwade
Thanks Dexel,

This was a good article. Definitely clear that the parallel desktop is not an option for 3D work, but Bootcamp is fine.
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