I ask this question because my machine really takes a hit when I open the SW plugin and start trying to create materials. The screen is very slow to re-raster when I move windows around and the Mat ED takes for ever to appear.

Now in all probability this is a quirk of the way my machine is set up. ( Win2K SP4 - 1.5gb athlon3500+) It would be useful to know if I am alone or whether others using the SW plugin have experienced a similar slowdown.

When working with Studio alone, things are far more stable and I have reduced the slowdown by setting the Material preview Quality Factor to only 4. While set at 4 the preview is not all that detailed but preferable for speed. Enhancement request - perhaps in the short term to have a button that is a momantary switch to allow an enhanced preview and then defaults back to the low quality after the enhanced preview render has completed.

I just noticed - when the computer is 'thinking' the cursor remains as an arrow - rather than changing to an hour glass or 'spinning watch' . This little change would certainly calm my nerves :D and stop me thinking the worst :D

Which is quicker RS1 or RS0?

As John has said - Thank you Juan - things are looking good - apologies for not saying thanks in my previous post.

Is May day a holiday in Spain? Have a relaxing weekend


By jjs
Just answered my own question

Loaded maxwell on my Dell M60 and it works fine - no apparent slowdown.

I'll have to look into why - do people have a clue/tip for where to start.

In my Dell install there was no problem - however in my workstation half way through had a request for a file that I cancelled and all proceeded fine . I think it was this -

http://www.maxwellrender.com/forum/view ... ht=#144468

as my dell has the shortcuts on the desktop and my workstation doesn't .


By jjs
Juan - I've had no luck in speeding up the appearance of the Material Editor when working with the SW plugin.

I work away at practicing on my Dell - could you give me some pointersa next week aboout where to start.

With the taks manager open - I press the "Edit Current Material" and the mxed.exe shoots upto 99% usage and stays there for about 3 minutes befor the window opens. Set the mxed to various priorities bu t makes no difference. Even with the mxed open , and I click to edit another material it takes another 3 minutes again.


Hello Jonathan,

We are investigating your issues. We have not seen that in any other machine. I hope we can find a solution soon. Please post all your doubts using the new plugin, I will try to answer you as soon as possible. If there is an specific area that is confusing for any of you we will make videotutorials to show how it is working.
jjs wrote: Which is quicker RS1 or RS0?
RS0 is faster, specially with a low quality parameter (you can change it through the right mouse button menu in the preview frame.
jjs wrote: Is May day a holiday in Spain? Have a relaxing weekend
Yes, it is holiday on monday and also on tuesday in Madrid, but not in the Maxwell world you know :) Thank you for your comments.

By jjs
Juan - I'm working late here on other stuff - so if there is anything you want me to try on my system - alter settings etc - just suggest them and I'll try them out.

Anyway just got good news - I submitted some designs for a new busshelter and I rendered them in Maxwell and the edge lighting went down like a storm and - well just won the contract - paperwork in the post they say - I'll send through images when its a little less confidential.


By jjs
Juan - ist seems to have got faster - don't know what I did

perhaps it was setting the maxwell Studio> preferances> preview quality to 4 rather than the default 10.

Perhaps it was the latest Nvidia driver that is on the SW site.

Perhaps it was the Russian maintance I performed on my machine when I hit it with my hammer !

Perhaps - who knows :D

I dare not turn off my machine now :(


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