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By Hillmeister
I really hope development will continue, Blender might get accepted as a standard 3D app by our company in a short period of time and that means that people want to use it with our preferred rendering app....... Maxwell :)

I know Blender is free, but that doesn't mean you can't sponsor it. Like I posted before I would like to sponsor the Blender-Maxwell development, just like I do with Blender monthly. However after I sponsored Bmaxwell, the development came to a halt. Paying for the plugin won't be a problem if I know my money is well spent.

I think Carbon's is doing nice work also, but is he in contact with Next Limit? Can he post more regular? I really would like some info on development like most of us probably do.

Unfortunately most of the work we do with Blender-Maxwell can't be posted on this forum, but let me say that Blender is VERY capable of delivering high-end results especially when combining it's user friendly workflows and rather small system footprint with Maxwell Render.

By ptaszek
Yeahh would be sooo nice to have better blender support. I think the problem is there is not much of us. The newest version of b-maxwell by Nildar was donwloaded 349 times.
I think we have to grow up a bit more to get the real support from NL. I hope I am wrong because for me Blender is the best 3D software and Maxwell is the best render engine, but we can not wait forever. Using both smoothly is my dream. Nildar gave us hope with 3.1 and working FIRE. Carbon can not promise FIRE but he is very good as developer and Blendmaxwell is getting better and better.

I keep my finger crossed.

Maybe would be nice to try kickstarter project if it could help?
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By Asmithey
The problem with Carbon's add-on is that for heavy scenes, like the ones I do for architecture, the export times a excruciatingly long. Where B-Maxwell is lighting fast. I need fast. Especially when a client wants to do an animation. Fast .mxs export is a must. I received an email from N.Ildar on 2-23-16. He said he has been very busy and he plans on releasing an updated add-on for Maxwell v3.2 after Blender 2.77 is released. So, we will see.
By carbon
Asmithey wrote:The problem with Carbon's add-on is that for heavy scenes, like the ones I do for architecture, the export times a excruciatingly long. Where B-Maxwell is lighting fast. I need fast. Especially when a client wants to do an animation. Fast .mxs export is a must.
100k scanned mesh: blendmaxwell 4.81s (on osx which is slowest), built in blender wavefront obj exporter: 4.42s.. i don't know what else to optimize to make it faster in pure python.

EDIT: windows 2.36s

by the way, if you just need camera flythrough, why don't you export scene once, then add it to another with camera animation as mxs reference and export from there? apart from fast export you will also save much of the disk space..
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