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I have a mxs file with several cameras (as a result of an export from a sketchup file with several scenes) and I have this script:
Code: Select all
// This script gets all the mxs's located in the folder "input"
// Renders them until a desired Initial SL, to get a first version of the whole sequence, allowing the user to start the postproduction process
// Then continues refining the sequence until the Final SL, advancing in certain steps (slStep), offering continuous refinement

// Edit the following lines with your own project Input and Output folders

var inputFolder = "C:\directory";
var outputFolder = "C:\directory\output";

var mxsCount = FileManager.getNumberOfFilesInFolder( inputFolder, "*.mxs" );
var mxsList = FileManager.getFilesInFolder( inputFolder, "*.mxs" );


// The following SL values can be customized to fit your needs

var initialSL = 8;
var finalSL = 16;
var slStep = 2;
var currentSL = initialSL;

var i = 0;
var isRendering = 0;

while( currentSL <= finalSL )
for( i = 0; i < mxsCount; i++ )
while( 1 )
if( isRendering == 0 )

currentSL += slStep;


function renderScene()
var mxsFile = mxsList[i];
var imagePath = outputFolder + "\" + FileManager.getFileName( mxsFile ) + ".png";
var mxiPath = outputFolder + "\" + FileManager.getFileName( mxsFile ) + ".mxi";

Maxwell.print( "rendering Mxs file: " + mxsFile );

Maxwell.openMxs( mxsFile );
Scene.setImagePath( imagePath );
Scene.setMxiPath( mxiPath );
Scene.setSamplingLevel( currentSL );
// Uncomment the following lines if you want to set a different resolution than the indicated in the MXS scene file
Mxi.setResX( 1200 );
Mxi.setResY( 588 );
Scene.setResumeRenderEnabled( true );

isRendering = 1;


function renderHasFinished()
isRendering = 0;

Maxwell.print( "Render finished!!" );

How should the script be modified, so that I have to specify a mxs-file and the script will render all the cameras within the mxs-file (instead of rendering the active camera of various mxs within a folder?

thx for your support
thank you for the hint, it was a great help.
I was able to merge the animation and progressive scripts, now I have a script that significantly improve my workflow.
Maybe someone is also looking for such a script:
Code: Select all
var firstSceneIndex = 1;
var lastSceneIndex = 3;
var baseName = "S";
var inputFile = "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\ScriptTest\SketchupFile.mxs";
var outputFolder = "C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\ScriptTest\output";
var initialSL = 2;
var finalSL = 8;
var slStep = 1;
var currentSL = initialSL;
var i = 0;
var isRendering = 0;
var currentSceneIndex = firstSceneIndex;


while( currentSL <= finalSL )
	currentSceneIndex = firstSceneIndex;
    while( 1 )
      if( isRendering == 0 )

  currentSL += slStep;

function renderScene()
while (currentSceneIndex <= lastSceneIndex)
    if(isRendering == 0)


function renderCamera(frameNumber)
  var sceneName = baseName + frameNumber;
  Maxwell.openMxs( inputFile );
  var imagePath = outputFolder + "\" + sceneName + ".png";
  var mxiPath = outputFolder + "\" + sceneName + ".mxi";
  if (Mxi.activeCameraName != sceneName)
    Maxwell.print("The MXS contains no camera named '" + sceneName + "'!");
    Maxwell.print("rendering Scene: " + sceneName + " until SL " + currentSL);
    Scene.setMxiPath( mxiPath);
    Scene.setImagePath( imagePath );   
	Scene.setSamplingLevel( currentSL );
	Mxi.setResX( 1600 );
	Mxi.setResY( 784 );
	Scene.setResumeRenderEnabled( true );
    isRendering = 1;

function renderHasFinished()
  isRendering = 0;

  Maxwell.print( "Render finished!" );
for the future it would be great to set the active camera by an index and not only by name :)
I found a python script to read out the camera names but I was not able to "translate" it in a maxwell script.
Code: Select all
# Copyright 2014 Rodman

from pymaxwell import *

def getCameras(mxs_path):
   scene = Cmaxwell(mwcallback)
   ok = scene.readMXS(mxs_path)
   if ok == 0:
      print("Error reading " + mxs_path)
      print("MXS (" + mxs_path + ") read")

   it = CmaxwellCameraIterator()
   camera = it.first( scene )
   while not camera.isNull():
      camera =


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