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Hi Everyone,

Hopefully you can help as I'm quite new to Maxwell Studio. I'm trying to render out different groups of an image so that I can then layer them in Photoshop once the various product materials have been rendered. The trouble I'm having is that within Maxwell Studio when I render the tambour door I need it to only render what the camera can see, and not the parts that are obscured by other parts of the model that are hidden from camera. I've attached some images below that will hopefully explain this better -

The 1st image is the complete model render, the second is jsut the carcass, third is the tambour door and the 4th is the tambour and carcass after being layered in photoshop (apologies for different colours)

1) Image

2) Image

3) Image

4) Image

Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the response ababak, that seemed to do exactly what I was after.

Now, after I've layered the image in photoshop it seems that around the tambour doors and the bottom of the unit there is a thin black line left over - is there anyway of removing this or a setting that needs changing within the studio to prevent this from appearing?

Hi Matt,

I think that what you need is "Custom alphas". Please check this part of our online documentation: ... ha+channel

Basically you create a channel (or several ones) and assign the objects to one or more channels. At render time you'll have an alpha image per channel created but showing only the portion that is visible to the camera.

I think it's easier than matte.


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