All posts related to V3
By pjpjpj
Hi !

I'm having trouble licensing maya plug-in (learning edition license)
I'm running Fedora 21.
I have installed the render suite, but I had to put the environment variables by hand in my bashrc file.
When I try to run the license activator, at the end of the process I had this error :

License data has been saved in the local machine but license is incorrect.
Error Code: -5. Error getting license, returned code : Bad signature in license
Please visit our support site.

My last name contains an "é" character, so I had to edit the license file by hand and replace the "é" with proper "é".
It works, Maxwell studio is running fine and is licensed.

But the maya plug-in isn't, when I launch the renderview, I have

// Error: file: /usr/autodesk/maya/scripts/others/createMayaSoftwareCommonGlobalsTab.mel line 45: setParent: Object 'maxwellTabLayout' not found.

And when I try to render, the license activator launches but I have the same "bad signature in license" error I had earlier.

// Error: Cannot export scene to file : License failed to initialize

A bit help would be welcome :)

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By Mihnea Balta

The error message about setParent is usually harmless, the plug-in should run fine despite it. The real problem is with the licensing system, but that's not specific to the plug-in, so I'll move this question to the main forum, where you can get support from the guys in charge of licensing.
By pjpjpj
Problem solved.

Just installed maya plug in beta 3.1.10 and everything works fine.

Haha, thanks.

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