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Hey guys!

I'm trying to figure out a solid workflow from Mudbox, to Maya and finally over to Maxwell. Specifically when working with Vector Displacement Maps.

When exporting from Mudbox, I have the following preferences:


And inside Maya in a maxwell material I have these displacement settings:


Any ideas why it becomes like the Fire render? Might this be a UV problem? I just did the 'create uv's' in Mudbox, did not do a real unwrap. It looks like this:


This works perfects when creating textures and sculpting in Mudbox, might it go banans when using in Maxwell?

EDIT: Installed the beta for Maxwell and Maya, will try converting from UV's to UDIM tonight.
Last edited by on Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Mihnea Balta
I think this is not specific to the Maya plug-in, so I'll move the thread in the main forum, where you can get help from the core developers.

PS: the image which is supposed to show the UV layout doesn't load, I think it's not set as public.
Mihnea Balta wrote:I think this is not specific to the Maya plug-in, so I'll move the thread in the main forum, where you can get help from the core developers.

PS: the image which is supposed to show the UV layout doesn't load, I think it's not set as public.
You're probably right! Thanks :)

Have updated the image link.
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