All posts related to V3
By QuakeMarine1

RebusFarm support Maxwell V3 still image and animation render out of C4d, Maya and 3ds.
Since we have sooooo many rendernodes avaliable there is no waiting time :-)
Send a render and it start immidnetly.

Its super simple to send a render job to farm - have a look ... AXWELL.wmv ...


ps: we support maxwell v2 and v1 aswell
By QuakeMarine1
hi all
Rendering on RebusFarm is now cheaper than ever:
The price for a GHzh is now only 2,9 cent, with discounts offered down to 1.16 cents / GHzh.

This is the best price in render farm industry and comes without any limitation to quantities of nodes, or whatever.
For this price your render job will start without any waiting time, no hassle of installation, no extra costs. It includes
the Farminizer Software, mobile apps, human support, etc.

As a new registrant you will get a 10 EUR free trial which is an
equivalent to testing a modern i7 core Server for 13 hours.

is there a possibility to download the mxs. instead of the image format? for example if I want to render a picture with multilight and adjust the lights in the mxs after the renderjob hit the desired SL and then save the image myself. is that possible?


I think I'll give you guys a try in the next time when I have a big mw project :)
By QuakeMarine1
we have update our hardware pool and added 600 brand new Dual Xeon E2630v3 rendernodes to the farm.
Each Maxwell job run on these 16core RenderNodes with 64GBram.

All in all RebusFarm now run 1450 render nodes
2900 CPUs
about 20.000 cores
happy render !
By pdqwest
I just tried Rebus for my first Maxwell project and I am having some serious issues. The render went well and took about 18 minutes on their system. Then I went to download the MXI file and their system broke it into 89 separate 17,000 KB WinRAR files. Once I downloaded all of them (which took several hours) and uncompressed them I ended up with an MXI file that was 7,190,506,212 KB. Is this a normal size for an MXI file? Every time I try to open it in Maxwell Render the program locks up and then crashes. The original file was rendered out as a TIFF with about 8 softbox lights and a skydome light.
By pdqwest
A little more information to ponder. The MXI file I got back was almost 7 GB. I restarted my computer and closed every running program. I finally got Maxwell to open the MXI file. However, making one little adjustment to the lighting took down my computer once again. Restart. Opened the file and clicked on the alpha channel. Maxwell asked if I wanted to embed the alpha into the image file. Click Yes. Crash!
I am obviously missing something here and I feel it has to be the file size. I just don't think any computer (especially mine which is ancient at 3 years old) can work on a 7 GB file. Thoughts anyone?
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By Mihai
How much RAM do you have? It seems you're running out of it with this huge file. What was the render resolution? Keep in mind also the more multilight sliders you have, the bigger the MXI file will be since it has to store each of those light sliders separately.
By pdqwest
I have 16 gb of ram. I have 6 multilight sliders in my file along with the sliders for ISO, Shutter, Sun and sky. The image is 4000 pixels wide which is not that much by my standards. I am still absolutely amazed at the file size and the inability to manipulate it in Maxwell without a crash. Do I need to disable multilight in order to get the file size down to something usable? That feature is something that I really wanted to use in Maxwell.
By QuakeMarine1
16gb of ram is far too low for your high resolutions
doubble it atleast or better go 64gb

mulilight eat a lot of memory - disk memory and ram memory
without multilight the file is 800mb only (if I am correct)

if you cant update your RAM you need to redner less resolution - it can help ... can ....
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By Mihai
One thing you can check in preferences is if you have FastML turned on. It will then try to use the GFX memory and do the ML changes interactively in the main render window. If the RAM on the card is not enough it will default back to the small "preview window" and you'll have to presh Refresh after a change in a slider in order for the main render to update. But maybe it causes a crash because it's trying to switch back to the default way of working with ML.

If that's not it, try to monitor using the Task Manager to see how much RAM Maxwell is using when you load this MXI.
By QuakeMarine1
sometimes we are send jobs with no light emitters and render fail with that error message
we try to detect it in advance

if your job render fine your side mail me your scene and we have a look (delete all objects to make the scene small - we just need the spot emitters inside)

as a quick workaround place a normal light in the scene but disable it
.... and better contact our support insteat forum
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