All posts related to V3
By burnin
Window panels in Maxwell Render can't be manipulated (resized, moved...).
Render Settings panel is also cropped and can't be resized.
Preview only opens panel, without preview window.
All panels can only be opened, undocked (still can't be resized) or closed.

version Win64 on Windows 7pro

Also checked with & same problem. Now even Camera panel got cropped
Could be something on my side???

BTW: In Studio everything works fine.
Will there be a Maxwell Render 6 ?

Although i’ve been happily rendering away in[…]

SS Pinto Bean

Hi Tommy, Great stuff - love it~! Thanks for pos[…]

Never No More Studio Lighting

Hello Mark! Very good tips about the camera setti[…]

Sadly, this lack of a response demonstrates a mori[…]