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I'm experimenting a bit with some semitransparent decals on a bottle with liquid and was of course thrilled to learn about the new nested dielectrics. However, I'm wondering about the ability to use a clip map / Layer mask to remove parts of the material. Is that somewhat threatened when using nested dielectrics?

I'm taking out rounded corners on this decal using a black and white layer mask, but somehow the still show. I wasn't seeing this behaviour before Maxwell 3.2. Decal uses Priority 1, Bottle 0 and Liquid inside 2.


Here are all the files to the project if someone would like to examine it further: ... -DALa?dl=0


- Björn
Sorry, disregard the top turquoise decal. That one is a single sided polygon without dielectrics. But on the large front area there is a decal that is intersecting the bottle and has dielectrics. If you look close to the corners the clipmap is not quite working.
Wow, thanks. Very thorough run down!

But, you say, setting the decal to 0 and bottle to 1, would imply that the parts of the bottle thickness are removed to give place for the decal. I was under the impression that "letting the bottle take bite out of the decal" would be more close to the real situation. Hence, having the decal with a higher priority than the bottle.


- Björn
it's just a try :)
i don't see difference because the decal have small thikness ; if i want create more realistic decal i will not use this method ;)
and maybe everyone use another method for decal
if you want use nested dielectrics ; recreate the decal shape with round edges because with mask you will get wrong result
bjorn.syse wrote:And put it slightly outside the bottle mesh? And use dielectrics on it? what priority?
you can't use nested dielectrics with surface

if you recreate the label with round edges you can use nested as you did before ; i test this setup
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