By pfschuyler
I just upgraded to Maxwell 3.0, and I've installed it OK. I also downloaded the latest 3.x Revit plugin. I'm on Windows 8 64 bit, running Revit 2013. Windows does not give me the option to uninstall the Maxwell for Revit 2.x plugin in the Control Panel. But I have uninstalled Maxwell 2.0. Is there a method to manually uninstall the Maxwell for Revit 2.x plugin? Please give me a description of the files and where I can manually force their removal.

As is, when I install the Revit 3.x plugin, and then launch Revit, the About section of the plugin still shows "V2.7.26." If I launch a render, I get the following error message "Cannot find Maxwell.exe. Check the installation directory to see if Maxwell Render installed correctly." Maxwell 3.0 is installed fine, apparently the old version of the plugin still appears to be within Revit. This is the case no matter what I seem to do. I would really like to force the removal of the 2.x plugin, and then do a clean install of the 3.x plugin.

By raduc
pfschuyler wrote:I just upgraded to Maxwell 3.0, and I've installed it OK. I also downloaded the latest 3.x Revit plugin. I'm on Windows 8 64 bit, running Revit 2013. Windows does not give me the option to uninstall the Maxwell for Revit 2.x plugin in the Control Panel. But I have uninstalled Maxwell 2.0. Is there a method to manually uninstall the Maxwell for Revit 2.x plugin? Please give me a description of the files and where I can manually force their removal.

As is, when I install the Revit 3.x plugin, and then launch Revit, the About section of the plugin still shows "V2.7.26." If I launch a render, I get the following error message "Cannot find Maxwell.exe. Check the installation directory to see if Maxwell Render installed correctly." Maxwell 3.0 is installed fine, apparently the old version of the plugin still appears to be within Revit. This is the case no matter what I seem to do. I would really like to force the removal of the 2.x plugin, and then do a clean install of the 3.x plugin.

Installing the 3.x plugin should overwrite all the v2 plugin files, but just in case it doesn't, the plugin consists of the following files:
<Revit install location>\PlugIns\maxwell.dll
<Revit install location>\PlugIns\Maxwell (folder)

We'll look into why the maxwell plugin doesn't have an uninstall option in the control panel, thanks for the report.
By pfschuyler
Installing Maxwell Revit 3.0 plugin does NOT overwrite the previous plugin files, or at least it didn't for me. I installed v3.0 as Administrator.

OK, per your suggestion I went to:

Deleted the MaxwellRevit.addin. Then I went to:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2013\Program\PlugIns
Deleted maxwell.dll and \Maxwell directory.
and deleted the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2013Program
I am trying here to manually delete all V2.0 plugin files or references.

Then I installed as the administrator the V3.0 plugin. Upon launching revit gives me the following error:
"Failed to initialize the add-in "Maxwell Revit" because the assembly "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit\2013Program\PlugIns|maxwell.dll" does not exist."

OK, so if I restore that directory Revit launches OK, then the plugin version is 2.7.26
How can I Nuke the V2.0 plugin, completely, and just install V3.0?

By pfschuyler
I found the source of the problem and now have it working. After installing your plugin the addin file points here:

<Assembly>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2013\Program\PlugInsProgram\PlugIns\maxwell.dll</Assembly>

The proper directory for my version of Revit (the all-inclusive version) is:
<Assembly>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2013\Program\PlugIns\maxwell.dll</Assembly>
It was pointing to the wrong place, for some reason.

Also worth noting, in your installation instructions it says that the installer will automatically find the Revit installed location. It doesn't you have to manually find it.
By pfschuyler
So now I'm playing with the 3.0 plugin and upon rendering a basic scene:

DEBUG: - Preprocessing data.
DEBUG: - Preprocessing scene modifiers.
DEBUG: - Loading geometry extensions.
DEBUG: - Preprocessing MXS references.
DEBUG: - Pretessellating meshes with displacement.
DEBUG: - Initializing data.
DEBUG: - Preprocessing geometry.
DEBUG: - Preprocessing materials.
ERROR: - Bitmap File not found ( ) in bump of Material "Stainless Steel"
ERROR: - Data preprocess failed. Render cannot continue
[11/December/2013 15:31:55] Ending render process..

ERROR: - Render Failed
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