By JPMays
This is kinda tricky to describe, and if someone could illuminate me on how to insert pictures into my post I'll try to do that later.

For now, I'll use words. Everything looks dandy in wireframe, but when I switch to Rendered mode in Rhino, I get all these crazy angles that barely define the shape (e.g., showing up outside the wireframe boundary, and not showing inside, etc.). I thought this might be a Rhino problem, but it remains the same when I use Maxwell render straight from Rhino. I even tried exporting an mxs and opening in Maxwell Studio, with the same result. Anybody else experiencing this? I just updated to Rhino v4 sr6, and Maxwell 1.7.1; is there a patch I'm missing or something?
By JDHill
Hi JP, as I said by p.m., we would need to know where these objects came from - many times imported geometry has degenerate mesh faces or normals. Rhino has some mesh-repair commands, and if you'd like to email me ( jeremy at nextlimit dot com ) one of these objects I can take a look and figure out what the problem is.
By JDHill
Even if not imported, sometimes deficient Rhino geometry can produce degenerate meshes; re-meshing with different parameters may help (i.e. object properties > custom render mesh > adjust...).
By JDHill
Okay, this is just Rhino not handling well the fact that you're a long ways from world x/y/z 0. To fix it you'll need to move your model back closer to world 0 and then probably you'll have to run the RefreshShade command.
By JPMays
That was really strange. What I ended up doing, since resetting the origin didn't work (though now that I'm typing this I realized I forgot to RefreshShade after I did that), is just create a new file and copy my objects in near the origin. Everything looks good now though. thanks for the help.

By JDHill
Yes, depending on what you mean by reset the origin, it might not work. What I did was to reset the top-view CPlane to world x/y/z zero, then move the model to zero on that CPlane. If you just moved things to zero using the current CPlane in your perspective view, the model would still be a long ways away from world zero.
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