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By ivox3
JD .... what up ...

When setting up an object based M Blur, ... eg., let's say an array of spheres, ....then you move one sphere in the Z direction(up), ... left click to set object based MBlur --- shouldn't the render depict M Blur only on that object, while all other spheres remain stationary ?

What I'm getting is that all the spheres have M Blur applied ?

Maybe its been discussed prior -- sorry, M Blur threads didn't interest me at the time. lol..


** No problems with camera based blurs though ...
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By macray
if this is an array - the other spheres are just instances of the moved sphere? then it might propagate to all objects.
maybe switch the maxwell instance option off.
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By ivox3
Also: In the MW Object property box ... I'm not sure if this is strange behavior ..

Clicking 'none' and both the linear / full range boxes will auto-check themselves.

Clicking the linear will blank out the full range check box, but will also auto-check the none box.
Clicking the full range will blank out the linear box check box, but will also auto-check the none box.

That normal ?
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By ivox3
Working .... !

JD ... but what about that check box stuff ... Maybe I just don't understand it.
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By ivox3
Spoke too soon ...

It worked for one render and then went wonky again.

I'll have to wait on JD .... I'm outta control with this. lol..
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By ivox3
Alright ..... I understand now.

I didn't realize the the initial 'set' remained and that you can continue to relocate objects and the new export would be reflected in the render.
By JDHill
Alright ..... I understand now.
Does that mean it's working for you? I admit this part of the plugin can seem a bit esoteric, what with 'linear' and 'full-range', and with there being no real facility in Rhino with which to manage the concept of a fourth dimension, but...there's a short tutorial near the end of the manual that should (should) hopefully help explain a bit about what does what.

Just let me know if you are still having any issues...
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By ivox3
there's a short tutorial near the end of the manual that should (should) hopefully help explain a bit about what does what.
Read that. ;)

I think I have all the idiosynchrocies figured. lol

But would you mind if you still give an informal explanation pertaining to the differences between linear and full range? , ..with maybe a verbal example of where'd you use full range ?
By JDHill
No problem. :)

So, why full-range? Let's say you're going to put motion-blur on a yo-yo; it is spinning around on its own axis, as it walks its way down the string. There's no universal way to communicate the motion of this object, as regards time. There are proprietary ways in different applications, but not Rhino, mainly because it does not have a notion of any object-local coordinate system; objects always exist in only world x/y/z. So, to blur the yo-yo, we need to know where every single point of its mesh was located in the previous frame, so that they may be compared with their positions in the current frame; hence, the need for the plugin to store a copy of each point in the mesh for that frame for full-range blur. Here's an illustration:


Conversely, when you use linear blur, these requirements are no longer true; let's say now that the yo-yo has no string, and we proceed to drop it.


The paths of each of its points through time are all parallel with one another, and are all of equal magnitude; therefore, it is sufficient to store a single point (location) and vector (direction/magnitude) for the object as a whole, and then to figure out where each mesh point was in the last frame on-the-fly during export. So, that's why you should only use full-range when you need to; with full-range, you pay in terms of memory, while with linear, you only pay in terms of processor-time.

Just let me know if this helps clear anything up.
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By ivox3
Where's my finished blurred yo-yo render ? -- I was a little excited to scroll down. Cheap ... lol..

Okay ... very good. I didn't even think about the memory aspect.

Here is a test that was arrived at by no direct means, ... meaning, purely accidental.
I'm not sure how it happened, just clicking away .. Pretty good for trying to move stuff in a straight line .. :lol:

Disregard watermark -- new install/new drive. ....gone now.

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