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By polynurb
Hi there!

do you know a way to convert a rhino material into a simple maxwell material?

basically i have many imported textured objects, came in as .obj

now i have to make maxwell mats out of them.. certainly it is only creating a new mat and applying tex to ch.0.. but doing it many times is still boring..

just wondering if there is a function to do that automatically..


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By polynurb
i knew it was going to be faster to ask you, than going through all the commands available.. lazy me.

so cool.... it even shows the texture in the material thumbnail


By JDHill
Yeah, there are quite a few commands by now...and just for fun, here's another one: Maxwell_GetCommandList. It doesn't tell you what they do, but it (hopefully) makes it easier to find what you're looking for than relying on the command-line's auto-complete.
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