By kami
I hope you don't mind me asking a non maxwell related question:
I imported some plans (2d dxf) into rhino and the come at the wrong scale.
this is no problem so far, since i usually scale them up by 100.
Before scaling them up, I can easily rotate the plans in the viewport, but after the scale command everything is _very_ slow.
what's the reason for this? and can I do anything against it?

thanks, kami
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By polynurb
do you import as blocks.. or does it contain blocks?

these are fast before you explode them.. maybe scaling also messes with them...

then it could be a problem with linetypes.. actually quite likely.. when you have a small dash and scale x100 dash is still small... kills your graphics card.. even crashes are possible here.. as with very small hatches..!!
By kami
thanks a lot polynurb.
I think the hatches were the problem. rhino didn't even scale them up correctly. Too bad there's no _SelHatch command. Also changed all lines to continous for caution reasons.
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By polynurb
kami wrote:Too bad there's no _SelHatch command.

..there is.. there is :wink: ..admitting rhino can be a labyrinth from time to time... ... Tools.html ... olabstools

The command currently available in the RhinoLabsTools plug-in are as follows:

1. ConvertDots - converts text dots to either points or text objects.
2. DupDimStyle - duplicates dimension styles.
3. FindText - finds text in the document.
4. HideLayersInDetail - similar to Rhino's HideInDetail command, only it hides all objects on a layer. To show the objects again, use the following macro: _SelLayer _Pause _ShowInDetail
5. ImportDimStyles - imports dimension styles from another .3dm file.
6. MatchCrvDir - matches the direction of selected curves.
7. MatchProperties - matches object, material, and texture properties.
8. ModifyRadius - changes the radius of arcs and circles.
9. MoveGripsInside - moves the grips of a planar curve inside of a closed planar boundary.
10. MoveInside - moves a planar curve inside of a closed planar boundary.
11. ReplaceBlock - replaces a block with another block definition.
12. RevCloud - creates revision cloud curves.
13. Revert - reverts to the previously saved document.
14. SelDimStyle - selects dimensions based on their style.
15. SelHatch - selects hatch objects.
16. SelNonManifold - selects non-manifold surfaces and polysurfaces
17. SelRenderColor - selects objects by their diffuse render color (Rhino renderer only).
18. SplitCrv - splits a curve into multiple pieces.
19. SuperExplodeBlock - explodes blocks into component objects (including any nested blocks).
20. SynchronizeRenderColors - synchronizes an object's material color with its display color.
21. UnjoinEdge - unjoins selected polysurface edges. Won't unjoin seams in closed surfaces.
22. VertexColorCreator - generates mesh vertex colors based on a meshes texture.
23. VPoint - sets the viewing direction for parallel-projected views.
By kami
thanks a lot! great tools. weird that they are not part of the standard version
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By polynurb
i can see the selHatch command in drop down now without having the plugIn loaded.. are you running SR5 already.. could be they packed it in there.

but it is always good to keep an eye on the labs page.. there also is a plugin to bake textures for renderers with RDK to be used for non rdk renderer like maxwell .. haven't had time to test it .. but it certainly looks interesting
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