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By NoahPhense
JDHill wrote:Thanks, but if you drag something from the MXM Browser, you're still creating a brand new material - I would like to know if it behaves the same when you select a pre-existing material from the database manager. Also, if you let this orphaned mxcl.exe continue rendering, it should close down when it reaches (maybe when it completes?) SL11 - technically, when it reaches the SL defined in the material (8 in this case) + 3.
Ah ok, I'll run a test when I get to work. :)

- np
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By NoahPhense
Ok, ran the test (I think.)


It still runs afterwards, at SL11 it shutsdown as normal. But this is of course
after I have closed Rhino.

- np


Side Note: I never get emailed from the forums when replies happen. I
always have to find my previous posts to check them for replies? Any
By JDHill
Just to be clear - when you started this session of Rhino, that green material was already in your database? Sorry for the (never-ending :) )questions, but it makes a difference on my machine, and the answer may allow me to pinpoint what's happening on yours.

About the emails, I really couldn't say. I suppose you could check with your ISP to make sure they aren't blocking certain types of email, or emails from certain domains/IP ranges. The last email I got from this forum was received from: []
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By NoahPhense
JDHill wrote:Just to be clear - when you started this session of Rhino, that green material was already in your database? Sorry for the (never-ending :) )questions, but it makes a difference on my machine, and the answer may allow me to pinpoint what's happening on yours.

About the emails, I really couldn't say. I suppose you could check with your ISP to make sure they aren't blocking certain types of email, or emails from certain domains/IP ranges. The last email I got from this forum was received from: []
Disregard the whole issue! grrr... I wasn't running SR4b .. I was running
SR4. After just installing the SR4b, Rhino kicks the mxcl in the as$ and it
shuts down within a few seconds of exiting Rhino ....

I apologize for all of that. I never got an email about the SR4b update.
Only the SR4.


On the emails. Never received one ever from here. The server, it's my
server, sits on an 0C48 backbone. ;) I'll check the mailserver, etc..

- np
By Fille

Here's a new one I haven't noticed before... Adjust ISO and Shutter in the plug-in (to, for instance, 400 and 125), enable Multilight. Press Render. In MXCL ISO and Shutter are 100 and 100.

By JDHill
Sorry, but I'm not seeing that here. Can you confirm which versions (plugin, MXCL) you are using?
By Fille
Hi JD!

MXCL: 1.7.1
Plug-in: 1.7.31 (x86)
Rhino V4 SR 4b

This was on my old PC (XP 32) here at work... I guess I have to try it again and on one of the new machines (Vista 64) as well. I'll let you know.

By JDHill
Hmm, for what it's worth, I'm also on XP 32 right now. If this is repeatable for you in MXCL, what does the camera look like when you open the MXS in MXST?
juby0052 wrote:Since using 1.7 I've noticed a strange new bug happening that is driving me insane. After I've been adjusting something in the material editor my esc key, enter key, and right mouse button all stop responding. The only fix is restarting rhino. This doesnt happen every time, and takes about 5-10 minutes before it starts. Anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions?

i rarely get the same problem.... i then found out... although i cant repeat it ... that the cursor focus sometimes stays on the "options" button of the material editor... just clicking on it again got my keys working again

By Fille
My memory isn't very good...
Adjust ISO and Shutter in the plug-in (to, for instance, 400 and 125)
Should have been 400 and 100...
In MXCL ISO and Shutter are 100 and 100
...should be 200 and 200.

If I open the MXS in Studio it's the same thing: ISO 200, Shutter 200.
I haven't tried it in Vista 64 yet.

By JDHill
Thanks Philip, but that's still a no-go here. Can you provide any more detail? Such as, can you do this with every file, or just one? If just one, is there anything in particular about it that you think might provide any clue?

@polynurb: do you mean you are still getting this in 1.7.13? Does it seem to happen more or less frequently than with previous versions?
By Fille
Thanks Philip, but that's still a no-go here. Can you provide any more detail? Such as, can you do this with every file, or just one? If just one, is there anything in particular about it that you think might provide any clue?
Yeah, I knew you would say that :) I've been sooo busy lately, but I'm going to try it with different files as soon as I have some more time...

By Fille
All right, I tried with another file... Everything works as expected, of course. It seems to a problem with the first file only. Anyway, no big deal really.

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By polynurb
JDHill wrote: @polynurb: do you mean you are still getting this in 1.7.13? Does it seem to happen more or less frequently than with previous versions?
i think i first experienced it with 1.7.1.
it happens rarely, i didn't blame it on maxwell first.. only yesterday i saw that the options button stayed highlighted.. maybe when switching between certain windows/applications.. ?

and JD, another thing i wanted to mention .. there seems to be a limitation with 16/32bit greyscale tiff images, as they don't display in the preview or in the material editor, only png works fine here. But rendering them works, and studio displays them fine too.
Png does not support 32bit and hdr/exr no greyscale so getting them into rhino (for displacement) is a bit tricky right now.


By JDHill
Thanks Philip. If you remove all of the geometry from this scene and just add a simple cube or something, can you still see the error? Because, I wouldn't mind stepping through the export of that file here to see where things are going wrong...just if you have enough time to do that though, of course.

@polynurb: thanks, fact is, I have still never tracked down what is happening if that window freezes, but I have added some things which should prevent it. If it happens, just try clicking in the material layers tree - this should bring the window back into focus. About the textures, yes, I see that too - I can't load a 16bit tiff. But, I also can't load it into Rhino, so the only thing we're missing out on there is the preview in the plugin's texture editor - it wouldn't be seen in the Rhino viewport. I'll see if I can read these a different way and handle them like I do for mxi/hdr/exr images so we could use them in the viewport too.
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