By garbage75
Hi at all,

is there any way to control or to make deal with a Rhimo camera and the Maxwell camera parameter?
I try to control the offset of the camera with the shift film, but when I made some change nothing happen in the viewport.. and as is, it's very impossible to control accuratly the perspective and film shift in the perspective view... I know that other plugin, like Cinema, can deal very well with the cinema camera...

Other question.. there's a way to use the viewport resolution in Rhinomaxwell and change the viewport res as I want? I try to set in the Rhino render options the res to 2000 x 1500 but nothing change when render start...
It's very very very difficult to use the manual plugin res option, and cannot have the preview in the viewport as other plugin... and like this it's impossible to use any rhino named view for the final maxwell render.. :-(
How can we use the manual res option without haveing any preview somewhere? :shock:
ANy idea?
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By caryjames
Hi garbage75- I don't know about changing the Rhino camera and the Maxwell camera parameter. Mostly because I am not 100% sure of what you are trying to achieve.

Changing the resolution is pretty easy. Just select the "Toggle Maxwell Camera" button and then you can just change your resolution to anything you want... provided your machine can handle the resolution you set. You can also change ISO, F stop etc here so it is a very useful button!

Yes you are limited to the perspective viewport but you can change your view to look like any viewport you want.

Hope that helps!
By JDHill
The plugin provides some specialized tools for working in this area. If you open the plugin's Camera toolbar, you will find commands for:

- toggle LCD back panel
- toggle heads-up display
- pick film size & lens shift by selecting a rectangle
- auto-focus to objects
- set focal distance by picking a point
- set z-clip planes by picking a point

If you turn on the heads-up display, the plugin will draw an overlay in the viewport which represents the camera's film size and lens-shift. For more information on working with these tools, see page 30 of the plugin manual (main menu > Maxwell > Help). You have to use the plugin to do this because Rhino does not have any equivalent functionality - its camera model is much simpler than that of some other applications like Cinema.
By kami
Because Rhino does not support shift cameras, it does not work as easy as the cinema plugin.
But it works greatly and it's not too hard to evaluate with the heads-up-display.
By garbage75
I think that using the RHino palette Walkabout and then Lookabout, I can do a shift cameras...
But I don't understand how could I change the viewport res as I would, and then using this by the viewport res camera in the Maxwell plugin!!!!
By JDHill
I'm sorry but I didn't quite understand if that info was helpful to you or not, so let me know if you have any other questions. If you turn on the camera's heads-up display, you will see that the Maxwell output resolution does not have to be linked to Rhino's physical viewport size.
By garbage75
I saw that the palette Walkabout and then Lookabout could let me control much better the shift camera... so I was wondering if the are any method to increase as much as I want the finale res viewport in rhino, and use it with maxwell..
but simply i set the camera maxwell plugin to viewport... and adjuste the shift camera with Walkabout and then Lookabout palette!
Once the render started, I stopo it and increase the final res by the MXCL consolle!!!
By kami
as far as I rember, you have absolutely no influence on tilt/shift with those two palettes.
In fact, as JD explained, the rhino viewport does not support tilt/shift.
The only thing the plugin does is shift the red rectangle in the viewport when having the heads-up-display enabled. and export the view inside the red rectangle (which you don't always see completely, depending on film size and offset setting)
By JDHill
Just so you know, WalkAbout is not a shift lens, it just keeps the z-value of the camera location & targets constant. Shift lens shifts the virtual film up/down/left/right from the centerline of the camera's trajectory. Either way though, if WalkAbout works for what you want to do, that's great, and you don't have to use the camera's 'Viewport' resolution mode:

- go to Scene Manager > Camera
- select the view you are working with
- in the plugin's Camera page, change the Output (w/h) values
- if you want a different aspect ratio than that of the viewport, un-check Film Back > Lock film ratio

Now you won't have to change the resolution in MXCL.

(kami is right, the Rhino camera has no idea what lens-shift is)
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