By AlisonU
I just installed the maxwell plugin for Photoshop, the newest version.
When I try to open a MXI file nothing happens. No error message, just nothing.

I use Maxwell Render Suite on Windows 8 and Photoshop on OSX - could this be a problem?

Please let me know if you have any solutions for this problem.
Thank you!
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By Brany
AlisonU wrote: I use Maxwell Render Suite on Windows 8 and Photoshop on OSX - could this be a problem?
No, it should not be a problem!

What version of OSX do you use?
What version of Photoshop?
By AlisonU
Really? Great.
I have OSX Yosemite 10.10.4 and CS4.

I just started using Maxwell Render Suite, so maybe I'm not saving or exporting my renders correctly for this function... do you have any tips for me?

I really appreciate your help!
thank you,
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By Brany
It seems that the PS plug-in is not working properly for PS CS4 in OSX (it works in windows). Sorry but you will have to wait until 2nd half of august to get that fixed...

Other option is exporting the MXI as a layered EXR, but PS doesnt reads EXR layers, so you need an EXR reader plug-in for photoshop to do that.

As a tip, if you use MultiLight, be sure that you are not using "Color Multilight" instead of "Intensity Multilight" when you don't really need to tune the lights' colors in the MXI.
Chocolate test with SSS
