When I work with my project I usually have a few views that I want to render. Every time with each view I have to go into the settings, set the path of the file, image name and so on. Is there a way to set it once for each view and then just klick "render"?
It's quite time consuming...
Thank you for your reply.

I find it to be a very important, if you're working with ArchiCAD and you're setting all the materials etc. you don't want to click a hundred times just to get a render. Also, the paths of the mxi files are always place as default.mxi somewhere in the Documents, overwriting earlier files, which is really troublesome. It should be fixed with the ArchiCAD's file folder or at least you should give it the path once, and then it should automatically save mxs files and renders and etc with the View name from AC.

Right now I find it really hard to work with Maxwell, you have to set everything up each and every time you make a new render.
I have another concern and wonder if its just me - every time I set the settings in the render dialog window in ArchiCAD, and click OK, it goes back to internal engine and standard settings in it - that means, I have to check EVERY TIME before I click "render" if the settings are set to maxwell render and the size of the rendering. It takes time and is really irritating. Is it some bug or is it normal?
You mean if you click cancel it preserves the current engine, but if you click OK it goes back to the internal engine?

That would be very weird indeed. Plug-in has no effect on this, it is handled by ArchiCAD.

What is your AC version / operational system version?

jka wrote:every time I set the settings in the render dialog window in ArchiCAD, and click OK, it goes back to internal engine and standard settings in it
My background is MicroStation so I'm no ArchiCAD expert but I help some of the ArchiCAD guys in the office with Maxwell Render and I've got to say that I feel your pain. From memory though, I thought if you re-save the "Saved View" after you make some of the changes you are talking about then most of those settings get saved with the "Saved View". There are however, some Maxwell settings that the ArchiCAD pluging doesn't have the capacity to set and that's a real pain because you have to go into Maxwell Studio every time you do an export and set those values manually.

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