Hi! I've just bought and installed new Maxwell for SketchUp v3 for SU 8 (SU 8 Free, Windows 8.1). When I try to use Maxwell UV Coordinates (other then "inherit") it becomes impossible to export or re-export the scene to Maxwell Fire. It shows "exporting" but nothing happens. And when I try to use Maxwell Grass it shows a mistake, then continues rendering but without grass :cry: Please help!
Thanks, there is indeed a non-default UVs, please try replacing your rubyexporter.rbs file (it is located at [SketchUp]\[Plugins]\maxwell\lib\export\rubyexporter.rbs) with the one contained in this zip. Regarding grass, there is an issue there, too, which cannot be fixed with a modified ruby file -- the easiest workaround will be to download and install the Maxwell Render Suite demo (you don't need to change your plugin, it is just that the grass extension itself is looking for files at a path that will only exist after you install the demo), so please give that a try and let me know if it helps.
Without a little preparation, that (uninstalling) would break it again. The workaround works because it sets up two necessary conditions:
  1. It sets up the MAXWELL3_ROOT environment variable, which points to [program files]\Next Limit\Maxwell 3.
  2. It installs the Maxwell extension (.mxx) files into [program files]\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions.
If those two things are true, the workaround will continue to work. I would recommend just leaving it for now, though, until I can release an update that removes this dependency.
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