By mpoole1

I am having an issue with the new plugin. First let me say I think it is great for the most part, I love the new features. Rendering is fun again. However, my issue is this. When I export a MXS file directly from Sketchup it renders great. The problem occurs when I edit the MXS file in Studio. Once I bring it into Studio and render from there I have all sorts of problems with blocks mirroring and rotating. This happens when instances are enabled and when they are disabled in the Sketchup Plugin. I have tested this model with the old plugin and the 2.03 version of studio and it renders great.

This a link to two images from the same MXS file. Image 1 direct from new sketchup plugin. Image 2 same MXS file rendered from Studio. ... feat=email

As always thanks for you help

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By hwolfejr
I am having a similar problem.

If I render directly from Sketchup, the geometry is correct.
If I export to Studio OR MXS, my geometry is disconnected.
Groups are shifted, upside down or even missing.

UPDATE: If I open the MXS from the direct render from Sketchup, it disconnects and acts like the geometry of exporting to Studio or MXS.
I'm running Win 7 64bit and SU 7.1 Pro
Samething happens on my Vista Ult 32bit and SU 7.1 Pro
By JDHill
Could either of you supply a SketchUp file which demonstrates this -- the simpler the better. Even better than that would be a short set of steps by which it can be duplicated here from scratch in a new document. It will not be really useful to compare exports from this plugin with those of any that preceded it, since the code is completely different.
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By hwolfejr
Hi JD,

I have included a car model sketchup file and 2 rendered results to illustrate the problem, You can download from: ... px/.Public

Open the sketchup file (I have Sketchup Pro version 7.1.6860)
Hit the grey RENDER button on the Maxwell Toolbar = Normal render
Hit the red STUDIO button on the Maxwell Toolbar = disjointed render

The car appears exploded.
By mpoole1

I was away from my computer this weekend and did not get to post a model. It look like Herman's has illustrated the problem well. I do have on thing to add, you may have already sorted this out. The problem seems to be effecting non-uniformly scaled components. Uniformly scaled components seem to be working fine in both direct export and Studio export. Below are links to two models and their respective renders, one directly from Sketchup and one from Studio. The balcony rails and windows on the second model are mirrored when rendered from Studio. Seems that it is having a problem with them because they are non-uniformly scaled components. Both work fine with 2.03 version of Studio.

Thanks for all your help.
By mpoole1
No worries JD, glad to be able to help out a little. Let me know if any additional files would be of use.

Thanks for all your work on the plugin. It is a great step froward, the new features are very useful.
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By hwolfejr
Hi Jeremy,

How's the work around coming?
I enjoy rendering in Studio better than direct render out to controll Multilight.

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By hwolfejr
Thanks Jeremy,

I was a little ahead of you and just finished the Studio export experiment with the exporter. Works like a champ! ( or should I say World Cup Champion!)

Regarding the lights, I had forgotten to set that also.

Keep up the great work.
By mpoole1

Great work. The new exporter is working much better. I am still getting a couple problems. See the image link below. Everything looks great rendered right out of Sketchup. The Studio render no longer has the issue with the components. There seems to be a problem with the interior walls coming through the plane of the exterior facade. Also it looks like triangles may be getting reversed on the signs. ... feat=email

Thanks again for all your help.
By JDHill
Yes, it's much better with this code, but it is not generically perfect -- I can still trip it up with deeply nested and mirrored components. Thing is, I cannot yet tell if this is due to stack-up of small precision errors inherent to floating point math, or if there is some logic of SketchUp's that I'm not yet correctly inferring/translating.
By mpoole1

Wish I could be more help with the code. I checked the model and it does seem odd that the planes that are coming through the facade do not actually intersect the facade. They are help off 2 inches in the sketchup model. I also tried exploding them and rendering the model, but got the same results.
By fv
the new plugin messes up the location of geometry when in groups or with components / instances.
I am only posting this to report it happens under OSX just as well.

I can still render but have to take good care of components and groups. Its a bit weird that it only happens with specific geometry and not with all groups or components.

TX for your efforts to debug the great plugin. I now render a lot more directly from SU again and its also great to be able to export selected geometry to mxs or Studio. A big time saver.


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