By JDHill
I don't know of any mechanism whereby a face being inside a component could change the side of material used -- they are literally properties of the face, its front & back materials. However, if you have a face in a component, with only a back material assigned, and you switched Output > Face Materials to Use Front Only, the material assigned to the back face would no longer be used. That is about the only case I can think of with behavior along the lines of what you are describing.

On the network issue, if there are some errors reported, at least that will give us a starting point for figuring the solution. If you prefer not posting internal network paths on the forum, please feel free to email me at jeremy at nextlimit dot com, and I can take a look.
By fv
As pomised before, I will send you a file if the glass issue comes back. I will set up a simple test saving you time to sort through my models.
But I will try again and send you messages the log gives me. I don't see any errors though, just a very short log were before I got a long list of all the materials and files send to the node. Its seems to me no data is send to the node. Just the licenses are checked and the job is submitted.

I will test with a simple file as well.
tx again.
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