By macitect
...doesn't work for me from the plug-in. Anybody else experienced this?
By fv
asign your mxm's in Studio. v2 and the new plugins have problems with automxm and mxmreporter.
just export your model to mxs into Studio and work from there. I haven't had much problems working like that, all other ways driectly out of SU gave me problems witth latest Maxwell versions.
By JDHill
Here are a couple of problems I found with this on osx. First, the MXM.html file has an incorrect call in the 'Create' button. If you open the file in a plain text editor, near the bottom you will find this:
Code: Select all
    <input class="mx" onClick="onEdit()" type="button" name="onedit" id="onedit" size="100" value="Edit">
    <input class="mx" onClick="onEdit()" type="button" name="oncreate" id="oncreate" size="100" value="Create"></p></td>
The second 'onClick' should be calling 'onCreate()' rather than 'onEdit()'. The corrected lines would look like this:
Code: Select all
    <input class="mx" onClick="onEdit()" type="button" name="onedit" id="onedit" size="100" value="Edit">
    <input class="mx" onClick="onCreate()" type="button" name="oncreate" id="oncreate" size="100" value="Create"></p></td>
Secondly, MXED may not be correctly started on osx, due to a lack of proper quoting for the MXED path. That can be seen near the top of MaxwellExport.rb:
Code: Select all
if $OSXPlatform
   $MXEDPath = "/Applications/Maxwell 2/"
   $MXManualPath = "/Applications/Maxwell 2/manual/Maxwell_Render_v2_Manual.pdf"
It can be changed by adding apostrophes around the path, inside of the quotation marks:
Code: Select all
if $OSXPlatform
   $MXEDPath = "'/Applications/Maxwell 2/'"
   $MXManualPath = "'/Applications/Maxwell 2/manual/Maxwell_Render_v2_Manual.pdf'"
If you don't want to edit these manually, here are the fixed files. Just download, unzip, and replace the MaxwellExport.rb and Maxwell/MXM.html files in your /Library/Application Support/Google Sketchup [6/7]/SketchUp/plugins directory with them. Note that this only applies to osx - it appears to be working fine in Windows.
By JDHill
I am unable to duplicate the issue here (osx or windows), so can you open the Ruby console and see if any errors are printed when you try to browse for an hdri?
By JDHill
Can you go into your SketchUp /plugins directory, copy & zip the MaxwellExport.rb and /Maxwell folders, and email them to me (jeremy at nextlimit dot com)?
By JDHill
Yes, but I just had to make absolutely sure they are the same, and that they work fine here...and they do. Next up:

1. open the /plugins/Maxwell folder
2. double-click on the Hdri.html file

It should open in your default web browser; if not, use right-click > Open With and choose a web browser. When it opens, click on the background channel's browse button - what happens? The browser should:

1. if it's IE, it should try to go to an address named 'skp:on_loadBackground', which will not be found
2. if it's FireFox, it should show an error dialog indicating that it doesn't know what the 'skp' protocol is.
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