By joris.b

I'm testing the MXS references in Rhino and I have a scene with +/-10 references of the same Maxwell Studio file.
But when I hit render, only the last copy is rendered. The others are displayed as point clouds, but not exported to the render.
Any idea how to fix this?

Also, another problem: I have some Arroway libraries, but when I load the materials, the textures are not found. I believe this is related to a setting in the scene manager, but I am a bit lost here...


By JDHill
I'm not able to reproduce what you describe with MXS references, so please email (jeremy at nextlimit dot com) me a simple .3dm and .mxs, which shows this behavior. Regarding textures, you can go to Scene Manager > Options > Search Paths, make sure Perform Path Check is enabled, and add the directory where your textures may be found.
By kami
are you working with the latest version of maxwell?
There has been this bug where it would only render one of the mxs instances ... but it should be fixed now.
By joris.b
Hello Kami and JD,

After completing the last project, I downloaded the new plugin and it's working.

Thank you.


@Kami: as a coincidence, I was looking at your website today, great work!
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