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By Hillmeister

Sometimes we have an hull-form that won't render. The object is an open polysurface and sometimes exploding this object works but not always. Could anyone at NL look at it?

Hope to hear.

By JDHill
Are any warnings printed in the Rhino console, or the plugin's Log Viewer? Generally it will come down to an invalid mesh, which can be fixed by changing the meshing parameters. However, it could also have to do with the scene being too far from the origin (relatively speaking -- it depends on the units & precision used), so that you run into floating-point precision issues. So please check those possibilities, and if they don't help, send me (jeremy at nextlimit dotcom) an example of a model that fails.
By JDHill
There's not much I can tell you, other than that there are surfaces in this model which produce invalid meshes (I tried various different meshing parameters, with no luck). Unless it's possible to regenerate the geometry in a way that produces valid meshes, you could extract the bad meshes, and use RebuildMesh to make them renderable (before rebuilding, Rhino's Object Properties > Details will also indicate that these meshes are invalid). A quick way of doing that would be to run this series of commands:
Code: Select all
Note that the Delete step is deleting your original geometry; you might wish to group it instead, and then hide the group before rendering.
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By Hillmeister
Hi Jeremy,

This indeed works.

The surfaces come from Maxsurf, maybe there's more export settings there to generate better surfaces. However I found through the details that these are Valid Surfaces and under Render Mesh it states "quality mesh".

I thought it was a Maxwell thing, because the Rhino Render was rendering these surfaces just fine.

Thanks for looking into it.
By JDHill
I'd try to check the export settings; if you use these steps, you can find some nearly invisible surfaces associated with the propellers:
Code: Select all
Then, hide the two hull halves. At this point, SelAll will report 8 surfaces selected. Details for these surfaces report a "quality" mesh, with two vertices, and zero faces (not a useable mesh), for each surface.

It gets more interesting, though, when you select them by mouse in the viewport, in which case it is reported that you have selected 424 or 848 surfaces (and Obj Props > Details will indeed think for a few seconds, before showing you a long list of properties for them). Selecting these and using ungroup, though, the same viewport selection now reports 8 surfaces selected, like SelAll did before.

So, I'm not sure what's going on with this file, but I'd would recommend sending it to McNeel, because it behaves very strangely.
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