By AlexP
Hi Jeremy,

When saving rhino file and when saving sky file (and loading again) date in maxwell time&location changes, I think it's one day forward each save. Can you check it?
I also think there is some incompatibility in sky files between apps, I tried to load sky saved in rhino in 3dsmax and it load ok, but sky value is set to 0. Also file saved in max can't be opened in rihno at all. Sky saved in rhino opens in studio but time/date does not load, it is always same.

Best regs.
By JDHill
The first thing (date one day off when opening a file) has been reported before, but I have never been able to reproduce it here. But, testing again now, it does happen, so I'll check it out and see what's wrong. On the .sky file issue, I was not aware of this, but I see that the file format has changed, so I'll fix that up too.
By AlexP
I've checked now and it seems studio load sky file normally, date and time are ok (I must have tested it some time ago - sorry, my fault).
Still maya and max plugins read sky files and set env power to 0, and rhino can't read files saved there and in studio.
By JDHill
Sorry, but no, that one materialized here for a minute, and then disappeared again. It might help for you to precisely describe the process of reproducing it, starting from a new file, to setting the date, to saving the file, and then to opening it again, with the date changed. Be sure to include exactly what date you are using, and also let me know what are your Windows regional settings.
By JDHill
Please check this in 2.7.25 -- no guarantee, but I made a change that might affect it.
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