By pavel59
Here's my next step in this tragi-comical never ending story.

I finally installed both MR and Rhino-plugin.
When I launch the rendering from Rhino I get a DOS window with the following error message:
Error parsing argument -rs:1

any one may help me ?


By JDHill
The plugin puts that in the command line arguments, but I have not observed it causing any problem before. I'm trying to duplicate it and will report back here if/when I do.


(by the way, please post plugin-related questions in the proper forum - it's only by luck that I saw this posted here)
camel wrote:rs1 and rs0 are the render engines.. preview/regular.
but i think that's gone in v2.. (i cant see it anymore)

you sure you using the right plugin in rhino? not the old one?
yes, sure. On Rhino 5.0 WIP, it worked perfectly with Rhino 4 and you have to uninstall it before installing the V2 or it will not work.
By JDHill
It just looks like the final release version of maxwell.exe is choking on the -rs:1 argument. I can't remove this without altering and recompiling the plugin, so I'm working on doing that.
JDHill wrote:It just looks like the final release version of maxwell.exe is choking on the -rs:1 argument. I can't remove this without altering and recompiling the plugin, so I'm working on doing that.
nice, it appears now that I'm "The winner", it actually seems that I collected all the faults, till now at leat.
I'm very proud of this

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