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By macray
is there a possiblity to assign different backface materials?
I'd like to make use of the cinema 'front' and 'back'face projection in this case.

I got the Laubwerk trees which are assigned ALL materials for 4 seasons, each time 2 tex for fornt projection, 2 for back projection... using the maxwell object properties tag I can only assign 1 backfacing material and this spoils the change of season if the trees get yellowish leaves in the fall and stil show the green backface or vice versa.

is there a possibility to adapt that behavior?
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By macray
mmh. when I just want to render in Maxwell using the cinema materials they only show up when I change the projections to 'both' on all the materials (and delte the backfaced mats). when converting the materials to maxwell and then rendering they show up as they are supposed... there seems to be something strange going on for the automatic conversion of cinema to maxwell materials during export.

So my problem just solved itself when I had the materials converted and assigned next to the cinema materials.

now I only need to sort out that the textures are linked to the original files and not all the textures reassigned.
By JDHill
In case it helps to clarify, backface material is in the Object Properties tag in the plugin, because unlike Cinema's polygon-level Texture Tag material assignment, backface material in Maxwell is an object property. In other words, besides arbitrarily deciding to use the material of the first backface Texture Tag found, or the last one, there is no way to map from the Cinema concept to the Maxwell one. For this reason, if you run into setups that make use of backface Texture Tags, it is very likely that you'll need to do work to translate them into something workable in Maxwell, and then, only if they use the same material for the back of all faces.
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