By akiefer

Since today Maxwell Render crashes my Mac when I try to render a scene from Cinema 4D.


any existing scene with Maxwell as designated render...
press render from the plug-in icon
status shows export and then hangs Cinema so Bad that even a command-alt-escape cannot shut down the hanging cinema 4D and I need to reboot.

Same for any new scene I create.

When rendering from Maxwell Studio or from My sketchup 8 works fine
When rendering from Modo it works fine too

What can I do to start working again from Cinema 4D?
By JDHill
Could you please specify which version of Cinema you are using, and which version of Mac OSX? Also, please try completely deleting the plugin, and installing again, using a fresh download, and let me know if the issue persists.
I run Mac OS X 10.8.5 with Cinema 4D R15

I tried a fresh copy of the plugin (2.7.23) which I downloaded prior to contacting as a first trouble shooting stage.

All ran fine up until I started a render today in C4D. And all the other options (Modo, Sketchup8 and Maxwell studio) run just fine.

I even recopied a time machine version of my plug-in for C4D from a week ago when all still also worked fine...

Results stay the same.

Sometimes (if the plugin does not hang now) I get a message that I have no license installed. But most of the time C4D just loops indefinitely and I need to reboot the machine...
By JDHill
Something is not making sense, because it is only the 3.0.0 plugin which even attempts to check for a license, so I do not understand how this can be the 2.7.23 plugin. We should therefore next confirm which version of Maxwell you are actually intending to use -- I would expect to see any number of malfunctions when the plugin in use is designed for a different version of Maxwell, than is installed on the machine. So please back up and just tell me in high-level terms what it is that you intended to do, prior to making any changes, and then what steps you took (i.e. trashing applications, installing applications, etc), so I can try to get a picture of what might be happening.
I think now you say this that can be easily explained...

When I first saw it hang I went over to the site and downloaded the Maxwell for C4D plug-in. I did not check to see which one it actually was intended for.
When I read the installer text afterwards I saw it was for version 3.

So I went back to the site and into the forums where I saw the latest version appropriate for my license (being 2.x) and downloaded and installed that one. This time no more dialog box appearing, just freezes...
By JDHill
Great, at least that part makes sense, then. I am, however, still drawing a blank, because you say the plugin worked fine before, but no longer, which would tend to indicate something had to change, external to the plugin -- an OS update, a Cinema update, installation of a new and conflicting 3rd-party plugin into Cinema -- something. If it were related to a particular model, that would be one thing, but even with that not seeming to be the case, could you please send me a simple model (just a cube, and a Scene) which triggers the problem? It is not really that I expect to find anything that way, but there are not many avenues remaining.
from what I see something seems to be blocking the export process... because that's what gets C4D hung up on (status bar in lower left corner...)

I will start a systematic run down by removing all but the Maxwell plugin from Cinema's plugin folder.

I'll also send a simple file, which I assume will run just flawless on your machine... Do you have an address for me?
Hi Jeremy,

I found the culprit!

I recently (two days ago) bought Anma thye crow simulation software with plug-in for C4D.
When I removed that one from the plugins folder Mawell started working immediately!

Thanks for trouble shooting this with me!

Good, thanks for letting me know. I have never heard of that plugin, but I'll see about figuring out how the combination of it, and the Maxwell plugin, could trigger a problem.
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