By Tan Boon Meng
Hi guys,

Im a Lightwave user and have used Maxwell v1.7 for a while and now i started using V2. Theres one thing i have problem with, for now.

Before setting render, i did settings under the render options. Things like multilight checked, output image saved and render time, sampling level etc. But after clicking render, all settings are gone and theres no multilight, time changed back to default, image gone lost to another place etc. So i went back to check on the options again, all the settings i did earlier were gone and they were all back to default... what went wrong? Seems like i can only do the settings on the render panel itself after stopping it, then continue again.

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By Mihnea Balta
Do you mean that the parameters in the Lightwave panel are reset to defaults, or inside Maxwell, once the render has started? Are you using the 2.0 plug-in? (I'm asking because multilight isn't a checkbox anymore, it's a dropdown now).
By Tan Boon Meng
im using Windows XP, 64bits. LW 9.3.1

Yes im using Plugin 2.0, and i selected the drop down too. Tried 2 options, neither one works. Infact all of them not justthe multilights option.
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By Mihnea Balta
Try this:
  • Open the LW plug-in manager and remove the Maxwell plug-in.
  • Open the menu editor and delete the empty Maxwell group which probably remained in the Render category (right-hand panel) after the plug-in is removed (you may not have this group at all, in which case just ignore this step).
  • Go to the Lightwave installation directory, open the Plugins\Maxwell subdirectory, right click on maxwell.p and display its properties.
  • Make sure the file is 2,174,976 bytes long and the "version" tab displays 2.0.7. If it doesn't match, download the installer again and re-install the plug-in. If you reinstall, uncheck "Attempt to install Layout buttons" when prompted, we will do this manually.
  • Open the LW plug-in manager again and load the maxwell.p plug-in. It should say "18 plug-ins found in 1 file".
  • Open the menu editor, right click the "render" category, choose "Import Branch" and point it to the MaxwellMenuBranch.cfg file in the Maxwell plug-in directory. This should create the Maxwell group again in the Render menu, with the following buttons: Render, Render Options, Maxwell Attribs., Export, Plug-in Options, Import Cameras, Toggle Sky.
This sequence of steps will make sure the plug-in is loaded and installed correctly. Please tell me if the problem persists even after doing this.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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