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By Ernesto
I have a question about deformers:
I am working on a twisted model, trying to match a hand drawing that was provided to me.
The procedure I am following is as follows:

Create the 3d model, assign a non linear deformer (twist), set the twisting parameters, and compare to the sketch.
Adjust the 3d model , assign a non linear deformer (twist), set the twisting parameters, and compare to the sketch.
and repeating the procedure.

I wonder if I I could automate the part that is repeating, in order to fasten the process.

I tried to create a group, where I place the model, and in which the deformer would be set and ready for comparison, with the hope that puting the model into that group, would result in the deformed result, and getting out of the group, would show the original model without deformations... but this didn´t worked...

I also tried to use a separated file, so that I could work in a not deformed version, and opening another file where the first would be inserted as an external reference, with the ready deformer... but deformers cannot act into external referenced files, at least I couldn´t.

Any other idea would be welcomed!

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By Ernesto
I know that this is a Maxwell forum, and my question is about a Maya command...
But I would be very happy if someone could help.
Otherwise I will be glad if I could be redirected to the right forum.


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