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By choo-chee
it happens for a long time now... after some work in maya (2012 X64) material previews start to corrupt.

p.s. - this is AGS material...
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By polynurb
i occasionally get the same, but running the rhino plugIn.

however it only happens with the default preview scene, others are not affected.
i get some strange blue shine all over with more noise.

have you tried another simple preview scene, like "stage 2"?
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By polynurb
choo-chee wrote:I like the default sphere ;)
no doubt, the default sphere should be working fine.
i am simply wondering if it is the preview scene itself that is causing the problems.
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By choo-chee
I find it hard to believe that there's a small timer in the scene that counts down to corruption .... this bug will be hard to detect.

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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