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By choo-chee
I think when you pick a material from the library it now comes with the "specify material id color" flag already ticked with the same green for all materials.
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By choo-chee
OK sometimes another color is picked but it's a bug (at least here, maya 2016 x64).
Another one: every time I re-open a scene maxwell materials look default gray - they lose their previews.
It was ok in previous versions so I hope you can find the fix soon.
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By Mihnea Balta
We've changed the plug-in to import material ID colors from MXM files, because some users configure the MXMs that way and expect to get back the color when they import. It may be the case that several materials from the library have the same material ID color stored in them. Could you give me the name of some of the materials that have this issue?

The previews are stored in the .mayaswatches subdirectory of the directory where the scene file is. If you've removed this directory, or it's not writable/readable by the plug-in, or you've moved the scene, the swatches are lost. We haven't changed the preview code in ages, so there's no reason for this bug to appear in the latest release.
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By choo-chee
hmmm... interesting since most of my library is quite old by now.
So it might be that most of old materials simply use the same default ID (I've mentioned it in the past...) so I need to change it manually in my library to solve that.
About the previews, I'm gonna re-check it as I found that it happens in a specific project (the .maya... folder is there) that is giving me some problems when I open it's scenes for no known reasons, so it might be maya is doing some problems.
thanx !
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By choo-chee
well that's it, I had enought.
This sucks.
Every new material picked from the library has me manually assigning a different ID color.
Because, not doing so will give a scene with 100 materials, 5 colors in the material ID channel and that's absurd.
Why not make an option that once checked, every material picked from the library or created, will have an automated random custom ID color attached and that's it ?!!!??!!

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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