By Neil Evans
Hi again

It looks like Fire has stopped working now. When I hit the fire button I just get a wire frame preview.

It was working fine early today. I have reboot etc. Nothing.

Anyone got any ideas please?


By Neil Evans
Well I give in, this is a total nightmare. I have tried everything I can think of. I have even reinstalled Maya. It is still doing it.

Guess I will have to use Studio instead, I have wasted a whole day messing around with this.

Still haven't got the shaders showing up in the viewport either.

Last time I used Maxwell for Maya it was amazing.

Going to sleep on it. Maybe the pixies will fix it during the night lol...
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By Mihnea Balta

Do you get any errors in the script editor after you load the plug-in? Is the plug-in set to autoload? If you hit the about button in the Maxwell shelf (first from the right), what version is displayed? Does normal rendering work OK? Do you have any Maya service packs installed? Is it a special version, like Learning Edition?
By Neil Evans
Hi Mihnea

Thanks for the reply. Yes I get this error.

// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2016/scripts/others/maxwellRegisterShelf.mel line 695: The renderer override ('Maxwell') is not registered. The override will not be set.

Maxwell is set to autoload and the normal rendering works fine.

I have Maya 2016 SP2 and the extension pack. Not the learning edition or anything special.

I am running Maxwell for Maya 3.1.13, I had the same problem in 3.1.12.

Hope this helps.


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By Mihnea Balta
Do you get any other errors before that one? I don't understand why the override is not registered, that's done unconditionally when the plugin loads. That's why I was asking what the about dialog says, maybe the binary (maxwell.mll) was somehow skipped during installation so it's older than the MEL scripts (the about box shows the version of the binary even if the scripts are newer).

If you open the Renderer menu in the viewport, is "Viewport 2.0" selected? Do you have a Maxwell entry at the bottom?
By Neil Evans

Viewport 2.0 is selected, no Maxwell entry though.

If I clear the script editor and click on fire in the shelf I get this..

// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2016/scripts/others/maxwellRegisterShelf.mel line 695: The renderer override ('Maxwell') is not registered. The override will not be set. //

Which is the same as last time I think.

I have tried reinstalling the plugin, I will give it another go.

Thanks for the help ;-)
By Neil Evans
Ok, fire has started working again.

I uninstalled a load of things, mainly to do with 3DSmax and reinstalled. Not sure why that should effect Maya though.

One thing, I was having viewport problems in Max which turned out to be due to my new second monitor and the alienware amplifier I use. Not sure if it could have been down to that?

Anyway I am happy it is working again..
By sschoellhammer

I've been having the same issue. It resolves if I wipe my preferences but it's not something I want to do all the time ( this is the second time this occurred).
Do you have any idea what's causing this?

Thanks in advance,
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