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By choo-chee
I used to use bonus tools - it has 3ds import.
However I discovered that (after searching a lot in the www) that it was causing a bug that sometimes wiped out entire scenes and corrupted the files.
So I've stopped using bonus tools and no more unwanted results.
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By dariolanza
Hi Ernesto,

It is strange that Maya has that limitation to import 3ds files (knowing that both softwares are from the same company).

Anyway, I would suggest you to go through Studio. You can open your 3ds file in Studio and then export it to Obj format, that you shouldn't have any problem to open in Maya.

I hope this helps you.


Dario Lanza
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By choo-chee
best method I have:
open the plugin mngr, check the "3ds import" in bonus tools, import. then uncheck it and the scene will not corrupt ...

what about gpu maxwell q project?

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