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By Luca_Studioaltieri
Very nice "Particle-grass" Bubba! 8)

Yea it works with PFsource, but the "root of evil" is that i have to re-render old project(s) containing about one hundred of "old & different" particle systems.. and will be deadly slow re-setting everything to PFsource :(
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By Mihnea Balta
There's a bug in the current version of the Max 2013 plug-in which causes legacy particle systems to be skipped. Max 2012 and earlier are not affected. It will be fixed in the next build.

Leaving aside the bug, the plug-in exports legacy particles to the MaxwellParticles extension, so they will be rendered as spheres regardless of the type setting. It is possible to add the option to render them either as spheres, or as geometry. Would you need this setting?

Note that it's not possible to create instances with these systems. It's either procedural spheres or actual geometry (Max gives us all the particle meshes merged into a single big mesh if we ask for geometry data).
By BigBird00
Hi guys,
Do you have any info when this new build gonna be released? Because i have the same problem. For example SuperSpray or PArray which object as a emitter don't render in Maxwell. Before last update i didn't have that problem. Please help. Maybe i could download older version of Maxwell Max plugin ?
By BigBird00
I sent u an email but for others i will also put it here.

So the problem is, In maxwell (maxwell_2.5.1.0_patch-win64) and plugin (maxwell_max_2.5.9) it looks like that:
In 3DS Max it look like that:
And in any other plugin higher than them particles looks like dots. And i'm talking here about maxwell (maxwell_2.7.20 patch-win64) and plugin (maxwell_max_2.7.12) also.
With them It looks like that:

Maybe u have some answers for that kind of problem. And i'm talking here about any particle system using mesh shapes as particles.
Would be great if u could help.
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By Mihnea Balta
Ah, I understand now. The particle system is rendered as spheres with the Maxwell particle procedural. We will add an option which decides between this behavior and exporting the meshes (which was what the 2.5 plug-in did). However, the shapes will not be rendered as instances; the whole particle system will be exported as a single mesh containing all the shapes.

If you need to render instanced shapes, you can use PFlow.

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