This forum will be used to announce new features and release
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By F. Tella
Hello Maxwell community!

We have uploaded a new build of Maxwell to the Early Builds site: version
Click here to get it:

These are the release notes for Maxwell

NOTE: MXI files generated with Maxwell Render has not backward compatibility. Only Maxwell Render and future versions are able to handle them.

Bug fixes:

- Maxwell Render. Base color for tiled textures is not working properly in some cases.
- pymaxwell. CmaxwellMaterial.setPreview() and Cmaxwell.setPreview() does not accept numpy images.
- Maxwell Render. Color Multilight breaks antialiasing when color multilight and not color multilight compatible emitters coexists.
- Maxwell Render. Improvements in MXI file size. Solved issue with MXI file size in MXI size improved even compared with previous versions.
- Maxwell Render. Network render button issues in OSX.
- Maxwell Render. Timecode in image files (EXR) has out-of-range issues.
- Maxwell Render. Memory consumption info printed in console during preprocess and voxelization stages.
- Maxwell Render. Maxwell closes safely saving the image after getting a sigterm message when -nogui is active.
- Maxwell Render. Extra sampling and render region have problems when both are enabled.
- Maxwell Render. Reading MXI header fails.

We hope you enjoy it.

Best wishes,
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By F. Tella
Hello again,

Just wanted to add a note to this release regarding a known issue: we've noticed that with latest Nvidia drivers (368.39), Maxwell Render is freezing when using Multilight sliders in combination with Fast Multilight Preview while rendering. Installing older drivers (for example 353.62) will solve the problem as well as deactivating Fast Multilight Preview.

We are still investigating the problem.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

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