This forum will be used to announce new features and release
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By F. Tella
Hi everybody!

We have uploaded a new version of Maxwell to the Early Builds site. It is
You can get it here:

We hope you enjoy it.

These are the release notes for this version

- Multilight editor: left/right arrows now move through the multiligth timeline
- Studio: fixed issue with Onshape licenses
- Studio: fixed potential crash in the collada/fbx loader when reimporting geometry
- Material Editor: Added Shift+Left / Shift+Right shortcuts to switch material previews and Shift+S to save them
- Fixed error with 360º asymmetric IES files
- Fixed was using a wrong pymaxwell package
- Fixed some small GUI issues

SS Pinto Bean

Thanks Mark! Here's a story that goes along with […]

what about gpu maxwell q project?