Please post here anything else (not relating to Maxwell technical matters)
By rogerteddy
Hi Everyone, just a reminder about 3D Spotfinder. 3D Spotfinder is now free for all, no hidden costs, no subscription. 3D Spotfinder is for YOU as a freelancer or 3d company - join us and show your talents your products your services...all for free.

What is 3DSpotfinder?

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3Dspotfinder is not a place for competition between freelancers and business but is rather all about networking, sharing and helping foster the 3D industry. It is the goal of 3Dspotfinder to open up the 3D industry and make it more accessible to the companies and individuals who could benefit from a very creative and dynamic community of individuals and companies.

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SS Pinto Bean

Hi Tommy, Great stuff - love it~! Thanks for pos[…]

Never No More Studio Lighting

Hello Mark! Very good tips about the camera setti[…]